On Fri, Jan 26, 2018 at 11:36:09AM +0900, Michael Paquier wrote:
> In short, it seems really to me that we should reject the approach as
> proposed, and replace it with something that prevents the fetching of
> any WAL segments from the source server. I think that we could consider
> as well removing all WAL segments on the primary from the point WAL
> forked, as those created between the last checkpoint before WAL forked
> up to the point where WAL forked are useful anyway. But those are bonus
> points to keep a minimalistic amount of space for the rewound node as
> they finish by being recycled anyway. For those reasons I think that the
> patch should be marked as returned with feedback.

Hearing nothing and as the commit fest is coming to a close, I am
marking this patch as returned with feedback.  Feel free to correct me
if you think this is not adapted.

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