So buildfarm member piculet just fell over like this:

        2018-02-28 16:10:01.986941733 +0000
  2018-03-02 19:13:57.843939790 +0000
*** 485,495 ****
                                  QUERY PLAN                                
   Aggregate (actual rows=1 loops=1)
!    ->  Nested Loop (actual rows=98000 loops=1)
           ->  Seq Scan on tenk2 (actual rows=10 loops=1)
                 Filter: (thousand = 0)
                 Rows Removed by Filter: 9990
!          ->  Gather (actual rows=9800 loops=10)
                 Workers Planned: 4
                 Workers Launched: 4
                 ->  Parallel Seq Scan on tenk1 (actual rows=1960 loops=50)
--- 485,495 ----
                                  QUERY PLAN                                
   Aggregate (actual rows=1 loops=1)
!    ->  Nested Loop (actual rows=97836 loops=1)
           ->  Seq Scan on tenk2 (actual rows=10 loops=1)
                 Filter: (thousand = 0)
                 Rows Removed by Filter: 9990
!          ->  Gather (actual rows=9784 loops=10)
                 Workers Planned: 4
                 Workers Launched: 4
                 ->  Parallel Seq Scan on tenk1 (actual rows=1960 loops=50)


and now I am on the warpath.  I have no idea whether or not the diff
here is significant --- maybe it is --- but I am desperately unhappy
that we have expected-output files that will fail if fewer than the
expected number of workers launched.  I find that absolutely
unacceptable.  It reminds me entirely too much of when I had to package
MySQL for Red Hat, and half the time the package builds failed in
Red Hat's buildfarm, because their tests weren't robust about passing
on heavily loaded machines.  I won't stand for our tests becoming
like that.

Perhaps we could deal with this by suppressing the Workers Planned/
Launched lines when we are suppressing costs?

                        regards, tom lane

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