On 1 March 2018 at 11:49, Andrew Dunstan <andrew.duns...@2ndquadrant.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Feb 28, 2018 at 5:39 AM, Andres Freund <and...@anarazel.de> wrote:
>> On 2018-02-27 14:29:44 +1030, Andrew Dunstan wrote:
>>> Profiling through timer interrupt
>>> samples  %        image name               symbol name
>>> 22584    28.5982  postgres                 ExecInterpExpr
>>> 11950    15.1323  postgres                 slot_getmissingattrs
>>> 5471      6.9279  postgres                 AllocSetAlloc
>>> 3018      3.8217  postgres                 TupleDescInitEntry
>>> 2042      2.5858  postgres                 MemoryContextAllocZeroAligned
>>> 1807      2.2882  postgres                 SearchCatCache1
>>> 1638      2.0742  postgres                 expression_tree_walker
>>> That's very different from what we see on the master branch. The time
>>> spent in slot_getmissingattrs is perhaps not unexpected, but I don't
>>> (at least yet) understand why we're getting so much time spent in
>>> ExecInterpExpr, which doesn't show up at all when the same benchmark
>>> is run on master.
>> I'd guess that's because the physical tlist optimization is disabled. I
>> assume you'd see something similar on master if you dropped a column.

I put that to the test and there's still something fishy going on.

I created some benchmark scripts to help out a bit. Basically, they'll
allow you to choose how many columns you want in the test tables and
how many rows to put in them.

The following test is a 60 second single threaded pgbench test with
1000 columns, 400 rows, testing select sum(c10) from <table>

*** Benchmarking normal table...
tps = 1972.985639 (excluding connections establishing)

*** Benchmarking missing table...
tps = 433.779008 (excluding connections establishing)

*** Benchmarking dropped table...
tps = 3661.063986 (excluding connections establishing)

The dropped table had 1001 columns, but the script drops the first.
The missing table has all 1000 columns missing. In the normal table
all tuples have all attrs.

I imagine it should be possible to make the missing table case faster
than either of the others. The reason it's slower is down to
slot_getsomeattrs being called to get all 1000 attributes in all but
the 2nd call to the function... ? whereas only the 10th attr is
deformed in the Normal table case.

Here's some perf output for each case:


  15.88%  postgres  postgres            [.] expression_tree_walker
   7.82%  postgres  postgres            [.] fix_expr_common
   6.12%  postgres  [kernel.kallsyms]   [k] __lock_text_start
   5.45%  postgres  postgres            [.] SearchCatCache3
   3.98%  postgres  postgres            [.] TupleDescInitEntry


  47.80%  postgres  postgres            [.] ExecInterpExpr
  25.65%  postgres  postgres            [.] slot_getmissingattrs
   6.86%  postgres  postgres            [.] build_tlist_index
   4.43%  postgres  libc-2.17.so        [.] __memset_sse2
   2.57%  postgres  postgres            [.] expression_tree_walker


  19.59%  postgres  postgres            [.] slot_deform_tuple
   6.63%  postgres  postgres            [.] hash_search_with_hash_value
   6.55%  postgres  postgres            [.] heap_getnext
   5.35%  postgres  postgres            [.] ExecInterpExpr
   4.79%  postgres  postgres            [.] heap_page_prune_opt

/me studies the code for a bit...

Okay, it looks like the patch should disable physical tlists when
there's a missing column the same way as we do for dropped columns.
Patch attached.

TPS looks much better now;

*** Benchmarking missing table...

tps = 5666.117627 (excluding connections establishing)

everybody's going to want missing columns in their tables now...

 David Rowley                   http://www.2ndQuadrant.com/
 PostgreSQL Development, 24x7 Support, Training & Services
\set ncolumns 1000
\set nrows 400

\o /dev/null
drop table if exists normal, missing, dropped;

-- normal case, all attrs exist in the tuples
select 'create table normal (' || string_agg('c'|| x::text || ' int',',') || 
');' from generate_Series(1,:ncolumns) x;

select 'insert into normal select ' || left(repeat('1,',:ncolumns),-1) || ' 
from generate_Series(1,' || :nrows || ') x;';

-- missing case. Table has all attrs missing
create table missing();
INSERT INTO missing SELECT FROM generate_series(1,:nrows);
select 'alter table missing ' || string_agg('add column c'||x::text || ' int 
default 1',',') || ';' from generate_Series(1,:ncolumns) x;

-- first column dropped
select 'create table dropped (' || string_agg('c'|| x::text || ' int',',') || 
');' from generate_Series(0,:ncolumns) x;
select 'insert into dropped select ' || left(repeat('1,',:ncolumns + 1),-1) || 
' from generate_Series(1,' || :nrows || ') x;';
alter table dropped drop column c0;


select relname,pg_relation_Size(oid) table_size_bytes from pg_class where 
relname in('normal','missing','dropped');


declare -a tables=("normal" "missing" "dropped")

psql -f create_tables.sql $database

for table in "${tables[@]}"
	echo "select sum($sumcol) from $table;" > benchmark_file.sql
	echo "*** Benchmarking $table table..."
	pgbench -n -T $seconds -f benchmark_file.sql $database

Attachment: fast_default_disable_physical_tlists.patch
Description: Binary data

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