Hi Robert,

I have fixed the autoFlush issue. Basically, I was wrongly initializing
the lz4 preferences in bbsink_lz4_begin_archive() instead of
bbsink_lz4_begin_backup(). I have fixed the issue in the attached
patch, please have a look at it.

Jeevan Ladhe

On Fri, Sep 24, 2021 at 6:27 PM Jeevan Ladhe <jeevan.la...@enterprisedb.com>

> Still, there's got to be a simple way to make this work, and it can't
>> involve setting autoFlush. Like, look at this:
>> https://github.com/lz4/lz4/blob/dev/examples/frameCompress.c
>> That uses the same APIs that we're here and a fixed-size input buffer
>> and a fixed-size output buffer, just as we have here, to compress a
>> file. And it probably works, because otherwise it likely wouldn't be
>> in the "examples" directory. And it sets autoFlush to 0.
> Thanks, Robert. I have seen this example, and it is similar to what we
> have.
> I went through each of the steps and appears that I have done it correctly.
> I am still trying to debug and figure out where it is going wrong.
> I am going to try hooking the pg_basebackup with the lz4 source and
> debug both the sources.
> Regards,
> Jeevan Ladhe

Attachment: lz4_compress_v4.patch
Description: Binary data

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