
The previous patch was failing because of the recent test changes made
by commit 201a76183e2 which unified new and get_new_node, attached
patch has the changes to handle the changes accordingly.
Thanks for your update!
I have two comments.

1.Do we need “set_backtrace(NULL, 0);” on “HandleMainLoopInterrupts()”?
I could observe that it works correctly without this. It is written on “HandleAutoVacLauncherInterrupts” as well, but I think it is necessary to prevent delays as well as [1].

2.The patch seems to forget to handle
“ereport(LOG,(errmsg("logging backtrace of PID %d", MyProcPid)));” on “HandleAutoVacLauncherInterrupts” and “HandleMainLoopInterrupts()”.
I think it should be the same as the process on “ProcessInterrupts()”.

3.How about creating a new function.
Since the same process is on three functions( “ProcessInterrupts()”, “HandleAutoVacLauncherInterrupts”, “HandleMainLoopInterrupts()” ), I think it’s good to create a new function.

[1] https://commitfest.postgresql.org/35/3342/

Koyu Tanigawa

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