Hi Gilles,

> Any though and interest in this feature?

Personally, I wouldn't call this feature particularly useful. `SELECT
*` is intended for people who are working with DBMS directly e.g. via
psql and want to see ALL columns. The applications should never use
`SELECT *`. So I can't see any real benefits of adding this feature to
PostgreSQL. It will only make the existing code and the existing user
interface even more complicated than they are now.

Also, every yet another feature is x N corner cases when this feature
works with other N features of PostgreSQL. How should it work with
partitioned or inherited tables? Or with logical replication? With
pg_dump? With COPY?

So all in all, -1. This being said, I very much appreciate your
attempt to improve PostgreSQL. However next time before writing the
code I suggest submitting an RFC first.

Best regards,
Aleksander Alekseev

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