On 2021-Nov-02, Robert Haas wrote:

> I think shipping with log_checkpoints=on and
> log_autovacuum_min_duration=10m or so would be one of the best things
> we could possibly do to allow ex-post-facto troubleshooting of
> system-wide performance issues. The idea that users care more about
> the inconvenience of a handful of extra log messages than they do
> about being able to find problems when they have them matches no part
> of my experience.

I agree.

There are things that are much more likely to be unhelpful and
irritating -- say, enabling log_connections by default.  Such messages
would be decididly useless for a large fraction of users and a burden.
That's not something you can claim about checkpoints and large-autovac
messages, though; not only because they are much less frequent, but also
because each line concisely represents a large amount of work.

Álvaro Herrera           39°49'30"S 73°17'W  —  https://www.EnterpriseDB.com/
"En las profundidades de nuestro inconsciente hay una obsesiva necesidad
de un universo lógico y coherente. Pero el universo real se halla siempre
un paso más allá de la lógica" (Irulan)

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