On 11/19/21, 7:56 AM, "Tom Lane" <t...@sss.pgh.pa.us> wrote:
> That leads me to wonder about server-side solutions.  It's easy
> enough for the server to see that it's used a password with an
> expiration N days away, but how could that be reported to the
> client?  The only idea that comes to mind that doesn't seem like
> a protocol break is to issue a NOTICE message, which doesn't
> seem like it squares with your desire to only do this interactively.
> (Although I'm not sure I believe that's a great idea.  If your
> application breaks at 2AM because its password expired, you
> won't be any happier than if your interactive sessions start to
> fail.  Maybe a message that would leave a trail in the server log
> would be best after all.)

I bet it's possible to use the ClientAuthentication_hook for this.  In
any case, I agree that it probably belongs server-side so that other
clients can benefit from this.


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