Andrew Dunstan <> writes:

> +             my $subclass = __PACKAGE__ . "::V_$maj";
> +             bless $node, $subclass;
> +             unless ($node->isa(__PACKAGE__))
> +             {
> +                     # It's not a subclass, so re-bless back into the main 
> package
> +                     bless($node, __PACKAGE__);
> +                     carp "PostgreSQL::Test::Cluster isn't fully compatible 
> with version $ver";
> +             }

The ->isa() method works on package names as well as blessed objects, so
the back-and-forth blessing can be avoided.

        my $subclass = __PACKAGE__ . "::V_$maj";
        if ($subclass->isa(__PACKAGE__))
                bless($node, $subclass);
                carp "PostgreSQL::Test::Cluster isn't fully compatible with 
version $ver";

- ilmari

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