On Friday, January 14, 2022 7:52 PM Amit Kapila <amit.kapil...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Wed, Jan 12, 2022 at 2:40 AM Justin Pryzby <pry...@telsasoft.com> wrote:
> >
> > Is there any coordination between the "column filter" patch and the "row
> > filter" patch ?  Are they both on track for PG15 ?  Has anybody run them
> > together ?
> >
> The few things where I think we might need to define some common
> behavior are as follows:

I tried some cases about the points you mentions, which can be taken as

> 1. Replica Identity handling: Currently the column filter patch gives
> an error during create/alter subscription if the specified column list
> is invalid (Replica Identity columns are missing). It also gives an
> error if the user tries to change the replica identity. However, it
> doesn't deal with cases where the user drops and adds a different
> primary key that has a different set of columns which can lead to
> failure during apply on the subscriber.

An example for this scenario:
-- publisher --
create table tbl(a int primary key, b int);
create publication pub for table tbl(a);
alter table tbl drop CONSTRAINT tbl_pkey;
alter table tbl add primary key (b);

-- subscriber --
create table tbl(a int, b int);
create subscription sub connection 'port=5432 dbname=postgres' publication pub;

-- publisher --
insert into tbl values (1,1);

-- subscriber --
postgres=# select * from tbl;
 a | b
 1 |
(1 row)

update tbl set b=1 where a=1;
alter table tbl add primary key (b);

-- publisher --
delete from tbl;

The subscriber reported the following error message and DELETE failed in 
ERROR:  publisher did not send replica identity column expected by the logical 
replication target relation "public.tbl"
CONTEXT:  processing remote data during "DELETE" for replication target 
relation "public.tbl" in transaction 723 at 2022-01-14 13:11:51.514261+08

-- subscriber
postgres=# select * from tbl;
 a | b
 1 | 1
(1 row)

> I think another issue w.r.t column filter patch is that even while
> creating publication (even for 'insert' publications) it should check
> that all primary key columns must be part of published columns,
> otherwise, it can fail while applying on subscriber as it will try to
> insert NULL for the primary key column.

For example:
-- publisher --
create table tbl(a int primary key, b int);
create publication pub for table tbl(a);
alter table tbl drop CONSTRAINT tbl_pkey;
alter table tbl add primary key (b);

-- subscriber --
create table tbl(a int, b int primary key);
create subscription sub connection 'port=5432 dbname=postgres' publication pub;

-- publisher --
insert into tbl values (1,1);

The subscriber reported the following error message and INSERT failed in 
ERROR:  null value in column "b" of relation "tbl" violates not-null constraint
DETAIL:  Failing row contains (1, null).

-- subscriber --
postgres=# select * from tbl;
 a | b
(0 rows)

> 2. Handling of partitioned tables vs. Replica Identity (RI): When
> adding a partitioned table with a column list to the publication (with
> publish_via_partition_root = false), we should check the Replica
> Identity of all its leaf partition as the RI on the partition is the
> one actually takes effect when publishing DML changes. We need to
> check RI while attaching the partition as well, as the newly added
> partitions will automatically become part of publication if the
> partitioned table is part of the publication. If we don't do this the
> later deletes/updates can fail.

Please see the following 3 cases about partition.

Case1 (publish a parent table which has a partition table):
-- publisher --
create table parent (a int, b int) partition by range (a);
create table child partition of parent default;
create unique INDEX ON child (a,b);
alter table child alter a set not null;
alter table child alter b set not null;
alter table child replica identity using INDEX child_a_b_idx;
create publication pub for table parent(a) 

-- subscriber --
create table parent (a int, b int) partition by range (a);
create table child partition of parent default;
create subscription sub connection 'port=5432 dbname=postgres' publication pub;

-- publisher --
insert into parent values (1,1);

-- subscriber --
postgres=# select * from parent;
 a | b
 1 |
(1 row)

-- add RI in subscriber to avoid other errors
update child set b=1 where a=1;
create unique INDEX ON child (a,b);
alter table child alter a set not null;
alter table child alter b set not null;
alter table child replica identity using INDEX child_a_b_idx;

-- publisher --
delete from parent;

The subscriber reported the following error message and DELETE failed in 
ERROR:  publisher did not send replica identity column expected by the logical 
replication target relation "public.child"
CONTEXT:  processing remote data during "DELETE" for replication target 
relation "public.child" in transaction 727 at 2022-01-14 20:29:46.50784+08

-- subscriber --
postgres=# select * from parent;
 a | b
 1 | 1
(1 row)

Case2 (create publication for parent table, then alter table to attach 
-- publisher --
create table parent (a int, b int) partition by range (a);
create table child (a int, b int);
create unique INDEX ON child (a,b);
alter table child alter a set not null;
alter table child alter b set not null;
alter table child replica identity using INDEX child_a_b_idx;
create publication pub for table parent(a) 
alter table parent attach partition child default;
insert into parent values (1,1);

-- subscriber --
create table parent (a int, b int) partition by range (a);
create table child partition of parent default;
create subscription sub connection 'port=5432 dbname=postgres' publication pub;

postgres=# select * from parent;
 a | b
 1 |
(1 row)

-- add RI in subscriber to avoid other errors
update child set b=1 where a=1;
create unique INDEX ON child (a,b);
alter table child alter a set not null;
alter table child alter b set not null;
alter table child replica identity using INDEX child_a_b_idx;

-- publisher --
delete from parent;

The subscriber reported the following error message and DELETE failed in 
ERROR:  publisher did not send replica identity column expected by the logical 
replication target relation "public.child"
CONTEXT:  processing remote data during "DELETE" for replication target 
relation "public.child" in transaction 728 at 2022-01-14 20:42:16.483878+08

-- subscriber --
postgres=# select * from parent;
 a | b
 1 | 1
(1 row)

Case3 (create publication for parent table, then using "create table partition
of", and specify primary key when creating partition table):
-- publisher --
create table parent (a int, b int) partition by range (a);
create publication pub for table parent(a) 
create table child partition of parent (primary key (a,b)) default;

-- subscriber --
create table parent (a int, b int) partition by range (a);
create table child partition of parent default;
create subscription sub connection 'port=5432 dbname=postgres' publication pub;

-- publisher --
insert into parent values (1,1);

-- subscriber --
postgres=# select * from parent;
 a | b
 1 |
(1 row)

-- add PK in subscriber to avoid other errors
update child set b=1 where a=1;
alter table child add primary key (a,b);

-- publisher --
delete from parent;

The subscriber reported the following error message and DELETE failed in 
ERROR:  publisher did not send replica identity column expected by the logical 
replication target relation "public.child"
CONTEXT:  processing remote data during "DELETE" for replication target 
relation "public.child" in transaction 723 at 2022-01-14 20:45:33.622168+08

-- subscriber --
postgres=# select * from parent;
 a | b
 1 | 1
(1 row)

> 3. Tablesync.c handling: Ideally, it would be good if we have a single
> query to fetch both row filters and column filters but even if that is
> not possible in the first version, the behavior should be same for
> both queries w.r.t partitioned tables, For ALL Tables and For All
> Tables In Schema cases.
> Currently, the column filter patch doesn't seem to respect For ALL
> Tables and For All Tables In Schema cases, basically, it just copies
> the columns it finds through some of the publications even if one of
> the publications is defined as For All Tables. The row filter patch
> ignores the row filters if one of the publications is defined as For
> ALL Tables and For All Tables In Schema.

A case for the publications is defined as For ALL Tables and For All Tables In
-- publisher --
create schema s1;
create table s1.t1 (a int, b int);
create publication p1 for table s1.t1 (a);
create publication p2 for all tables;
insert into s1.t1 values (1,1);

-- subscriber --
create schema s1;
create table s1.t1 (a int, b int);
create subscription sub connection 'port=5432 dbname=postgres' publication p1, 
postgres=# select * from s1.t1;
 a | b
 1 |
(1 row)

(I got the same result when p2 is specified as "FOR ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA s1")

> For row filter patch, if the publication contains a partitioned table,
> the publication parameter publish_via_partition_root determines if it
> uses the partition row filter (if the parameter is false, the default)
> or the root partitioned table row filter and this is taken care of
> even during the initial tablesync.
> For column filter patch, if the publication contains a partitioned
> table, it seems that it finds all columns that the tables in its
> partition tree specified in the publications, whether
> publish_via_partition_root is true or false.

Please see the following cases.

Column filter
-- publisher --
create table parent (a int, b int) partition by range (a);
create table child partition of parent default;
create publication p1 for table parent (a) 
create publication p2 for table parent (a) 
insert into parent values (1,1);

-- subscriber --
create table parent (a int, b int) partition by range (a);
create table child partition of parent default;
create subscription sub connection 'port=5432 dbname=postgres' publication p1;
postgres=# select * from parent;  -- column filter works when 
 a | b
 1 |
(1 row)

drop subscription sub;
delete from parent;
create subscription sub connection 'port=5432 dbname=postgres' publication p2;
postgres=# select * from parent;  -- column filter also works when 
 a | b
 1 |
(1 row)

Row filter
-- publisher --
create table parent (a int, b int) partition by range (a);
create table child partition of parent default;
create publication p1 for table parent where (a>10) 
create publication p2 for table parent where (a>10) 
insert into parent values (1,1);
insert into parent values (11,11);

-- subscriber
create table parent (a int, b int) partition by range (a);
create table child partition of parent default;
create subscription sub connection 'port=5432 dbname=postgres' publication p1;
postgres=# select * from parent;  -- row filter doesn't work when 
 a  | b
  1 |  1
 11 | 11
(2 rows)

drop subscription sub;
delete from parent;
create subscription sub connection 'port=5432 dbname=postgres' publication p2;
postgres=# select * from parent;  -- row filter works when 
 a  | b
 11 | 11
(1 row)


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