On 2022/01/12 1:07, Tomas Vondra wrote:
I explored the idea of using page LSN a bit

Many thanks!

The patch from 22/12 simply checks if the change should/would wait for
sync replica, and if yes it WAL-logs the sequence increment. There's a
couple problems with this, unfortunately:

Yes, you're right.

So I think this approach is not really an improvement over WAL-logging
every increment. But there's a better way, I think - we don't need to
generate WAL, we just need to ensure we wait for it to be flushed at
transaction end in RecordTransactionCommit().

That is, instead of generating more WAL, simply update XactLastRecEnd
and then ensure RecordTransactionCommit flushes/waits etc. Attached is a
patch doing that - the changes in sequence.c are trivial, changes in
RecordTransactionCommit simply ensure we flush/wait even without XID
(this actually raises some additional questions that I'll discuss in a
separate message in this thread).

This approach (and also my previous proposal) seems to assume that the value 
returned from nextval() should not be used until the transaction executing that 
nextval() has been committed successfully. But I'm not sure how many 
applications follow this assumption. Some application might use the return 
value of nextval() instantly before issuing commit command. Some might use the 
return value of nextval() executed in rollbacked transaction.

If we want to avoid duplicate sequence value even in those cases, ISTM that the 
transaction needs to wait for WAL flush and sync rep before nextval() returns 
the value. Of course, this might cause other issues like performance decrease, 

On btrfs, it looks like this (the numbers next to nextval are the cache
size, with 1 being the default):

   client  test         master   log-all  page-lsn   log-all  page-lsn
        1  insert          829       807       802       97%       97%
           nextval/1     16491       814     16465        5%      100%
           nextval/32    24487     16462     24632       67%      101%
           nextval/64    24516     24918     24671      102%      101%
           nextval/128   32337     33178     32863      103%      102%

   client  test         master   log-all  page-lsn   log-all  page-lsn
        4  insert         1577      1590      1546      101%       98%
           nextval/1     45607      1579     21220        3%       47%
           nextval/32    68453     49141     51170       72%       75%
           nextval/64    66928     65534     66408       98%       99%
           nextval/128   83502     81835     82576       98%       99%

The results seem clearly better, I think.

Thanks for benchmarking this! I agree that page-lsn is obviously better than 

For "insert" there's no drop at all (same as before), because as soon as
a transaction generates any WAL, it has to flush/wait anyway.

And for "nextval" there's a drop, but only with 4 clients, and it's much
smaller (53% instead of 97%). And increasing the cache size eliminates
even that.

Yes, but 53% drop would be critial for some applications that don't want to 
increase the cache size for some reasons. So IMO it's better to provide the 
option to enable/disable that page-lsn approach.


Fujii Masao
Advanced Computing Technology Center
Research and Development Headquarters

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