On Sun, Jan 16, 2022 at 8:12 PM Noah Misch <n...@leadboat.com> wrote:
> For specifics of the kernel bug, see the attached test program.  In brief, the
> bug arises if one process is write()ing or pwrite()ing a file at about the
> same time that another process is read()ing or pread()ing the same.  POSIX
> says the reader should see the data as it existed before the write or the
> newly-written data.  On this kernel, the reader can see zeros instead.  That
> leads to the $SUBJECT failure.  PostgreSQL processes write out a given WAL
> block 20-30 times in ~10ms, and COMMIT PREPARED reads that block.  The writers
> aren't changing the bytes of interest to COMMIT PREPARED, but the zeros from
> the kernel bug yield the failure.  We could opt to work around that by writing
> only the not-already-written portion of a WAL block, but I doubt that's
> worthwhile unless it happens to be a performance win anyway.
> Separately, while I don't know of relevance to PostgreSQL, I was interested to
> see that CentOS 7 pwrite()/pread() fail to have the POSIX-required atomicity.

FWIW there was some related discussion over here:


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