> > 2. Putting data in a side table. This makes DROP SYSTEM VERSIONING
> > fairly trivial, but it complicates many DDL commands (please make a
> > list?) and requires the optimizer to know about this and cater to it,
> > possibly complicating plans. Neither issue is insurmountable, but it
> > becomes more intrusive.
> I'd vouch for this being the way to go; you completely sidestep issues
> like partitioning, unique constraints, optimization, etc. Especially
> true when 90% of the time, SELECTs will only be looking at
> currently-active data. MDB seems to have gone with the single-table
> approach (unless you partition) and I've run into a bug where I can't
> add a unique constraint because historical data fails.
> #### System versioning & Application versioning
> I saw that there is an intent to harmonize system versioning with
> application versioning. Haven't read the AV thread so not positive if
> that meant intending to split tables by application versioning and
> system versioning both: to me it seems like maybe it would be good to
> use a separate table for SV, but keep AV in the same table. Reasons
> include:

The proposed AV uses just one table.

> - ISO states only one AV config per table, but there's no reason this
> always has to be the case; maybe you're storing products that are
> active for a period of time, EOL for a period of time, and obsolete
> for a period of time. If ISO sometime decides >1 AV config is OK,
> there would be a mess trying to split that into tables.

The proposed AV (so far) allows for that.

> - DB users who are allowed to change AV items likely won't be allowed
> to rewrite history by changing SV items. My proposed schema would keep
> these separate.
> - Table schemas change, and all (SV active) AV items would logically
> need to fit the active schema or be updated to do so. Different story
> for SV, nothing there should ever need to be changed.

Yeah, there's a mess (which you state below) about what happens if you
create a table and then rename a column, or drop a column and add a
same-named column back of another type at a later date, etc. In theory,
this means that the valid set of columns and their types changes according
to the time range specified. I may not be remembering correctly, but Vik
stated that the SQL spec seemed to imply that you had to track all those

> - Partitioning for AV tables isn't as clear as with SV and is likely
> better to be user-defined

So this was something I was asking various parties about at PgConf NYC just
a few weeks ago. I am supposing that the main reason for SV is a regulatory
concern, what tolerance to regulators have for the ability to manipulate
the SV side-table? Is it possible to directly insert rows into one? If not,
then moving rows into a new partition becomes impossible, and you'd be
stuck with the partitioning strategy (if any) that you defined at SV
creation time.

The feedback I got was "well, you're already a superuser, if a regulator
had a problem with that then they would have required that the SV table's
storage be outside the server, either a foreign table, a csv foreign data
wrapper of some sort, or a trigger writing to a non-db storage (which
wouldn't even need SV).

>From that, I concluded that every single AV partition would have it's own
SV table, which could in turn be partitioned. In a sense, it might be
helpful to think of the SV tables as partitions of the main table, and the
period definition would effectively be the constraint that prunes the SV

> Sorry for acronyms, SV=system versioning, AV=application versioning
> In general, I think AV should be treated literally as extra rows in
> the main DB, plus the extra PK element and shortcut functions. SV
> though, needs to have a lot more nuance.
> On to ideas about how ALTER TABLE could work. I don't think the
> question was ever answered "Do schema changes need to be tracked?" I'm
> generally in favor of saying that it should be possible to recreate
> the table exactly as it was, schema and all, at a specific period of
> time (perhaps for a view) using a fancy combination of SELECT ... AS
> and such - but it doesn't need to be straightforward. In any case, no
> data should ever be deleted by ALTER TABLE. As someone pointed out
> earlier, speed and storage space of ALTER TABLE are likely low
> considerations for system versioned tables.
> - ADD COLUMN easy, add the column to both the current and historical
> table, all null in historical
> - DROP COLUMN delete the column from the current table. Historical is
> difficult, because what happens if a new column with the same name is
> added? Maybe `DROP COLUMN col1` would rename col1 to _col1_1642929683
> (epoch time) in the historical table or something like that.
> - RENAME COLUMN is a bit tricky too - from a usability standpoint, the
> historical table should be renamed as well. A quick thought is maybe
> `RENAME col1 TO new_name` would perform the rename in the historical
> table, but also create _col1_1642929683 as an alias to new_name to
> track that there was a change. I don't think there would be any name
> violations in the history table because there would never be a column
> name in history that isn't in current (because of the rename described
> with DROP).
> - Changing column data type: ouch. This needs to be mainly planned for
> cases where data types are incompatible, possibly optimized for times
> when they are compatible. Seems like another _col1_1642929683 rename
> would be in order, and a new col1 created with the new datatype, and a
> historical SELECT would automatically merge the two. Possible
> optimization: if the old type fits into the new type, just change the
> data type in history and make _col1_1642929683 an alias to it.
> - Change defaults, nullability, constraints, etc: I think these can
> safely be done for the current table only. Realistically, historical
> tables could probably skip all checks, always (except their tuple PK),
> since trying to enforce them would just be opening the door to bugs.
> Trying to think of any times this isn't true.
> - FKs: I'm generally in the same boat as above, thinking that these
> don't need to affect historical tables. Section 2.5 in the paper I
> link below discusses period joins, but I don't think any special
> behavior is needed for now. Perhaps references could be kept in
> history but not enforced
> - Changing PK / adding/removing more columns to PK: Annoying and not
> easily dealt with. Maybe just disallow
> - Triggers: no affect on historical
> - DROP TABLE bye bye, history & all

You seem to have covered all the bases, and the only way I can think to
sensibly track all of those things is to allow for multiple SV tables, and
every time the main table is altered, you simply start fresh with a new,
empty SV table. You'd probably also slap a constraint on the previous SV
table to reflect the fact that no rows newer than X will ever be entered
there, which would further aid constraint exclusion.

> Things like row level security add extra complication but can probably
> be disregarded. Maybe just have a `select history` permission or
> similar.


> An interesting idea could be to automatically add system versioning to
> information_schema whenever it is added to a table. This would provide
> a way to easily query historical DDL. It would also help solve how to
> keep historical FKs. This would make it possible to perfectly recreate
> system versioned parts of your database at any period of time, schema
> and data both.


> #### Misc
> - Seems like a good idea to include MDB's option to exclude columns
> from versioning (`WITHOUT SYSTEM VERSIONING` as a column argument).
> This is relatively nuanced and I'm not sure if it's officially part of
> ISO, but probably helpful for frequently updating small data in rows
> with BLOBs. Easy enough to implement, just forget the column in the
> historical table.

First I've heard of it. Others will know more.

> - I thought I saw somewhere that somebody was discussing adding both
> row_start and row_end to the PK. Why would this be? Row_end should be
> all that's needed to keep unique, but maybe I misread.

I don't think they need to be part of the PK at all. The main table has the
PK that it knows of, and the SV tables are indexed independently.

In fact, I don't think row_end needs to be an actual stored value in the
main table, because it will never be anything other than null. How we
represent such an attribute is another question, but the answer to that
possibly ties into how we implement the virtual side of GENERATED ALWAYS

> #### Links
> - I haven't seen it linked here yet but this paper does a phenomenal
> deep dive into SV and AV
> https://sigmodrecord.org/publications/sigmodRecord/1209/pdfs/07.industry.kulkarni.pdf

My link is different but this seems to be the same PDF that has been cited
earlier for both SV and AV.

> - It's not perfect, but MDB's system versioning is pretty well thought
> out. You get a good idea of their thought process going through this
> page, worth a read
> https://mariadb.com/kb/en/system-versioned-tables/#excluding-columns-from-versioning
> #### Finally, the end
> There's a heck of a lot of thought that could go into this thing,
> probably worth making sure there's a formal agreement on what to be
> done before coding starts (PGEP for postgres enhancement proposal,
> like PEP? Not sure if something like that exists but it probably
> should.). Large parts of the existing patch could likely be reused for
> whatever is decided.

Thanks for the input, it helps us get some momentum on this.

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