At Thu, 6 Jan 2022 00:02:27 +0000, Jacob Champion <> wrote 
> On Mon, 2022-01-03 at 16:19 +0000, Jacob Champion wrote:
> > On Fri, 2021-12-17 at 15:40 +0900, Kyotaro Horiguchi wrote:
> > > 
> > > + inet_net_pton_ipv4(const char *src, u_char *dst)
> > >  (calls inet_net_pton_ipv4_internal(src, dst, true))
> > > + inet_pton_ipv4(const char *src, u_char *dst)
> > >  (calls inet_net_pton_ipv4_internal(src, dst, false))
> > 
> > Sounds good, I will make that change. Thanks for the feedback!
> v3 implements a pg_inet_pton(), but for IPv6 instead of IPv4 as
> presented above (since we only need inet_pton() for IPv6 in this case).
> It's split into a separate patch (0003) for ease of review.

0001 looks fine as it is in the almost same shape withinet_net_pton
about PGSQL_AF_INET and PGSQL_AF_INET6.  I'm not sure about the
difference on how to handle AF_INET6 between pg_inet_net_pton and ntop
but that's not a matter of this patch.

However, 0002,

+ * In a frontend build, we can't include inet.h, but we still need to have
+ * sensible definitions of these two constants.  Note that pg_inet_net_ntop()
+ * assumes that PGSQL_AF_INET is equal to AF_INET.
+ */
+#define PGSQL_AF_INET  (AF_INET + 0)
+#define PGSQL_AF_INET6 (AF_INET + 1)

Now we have the same definition thrice in frontend code. Coulnd't we
define them in, say, libpq-fe.h or inet-fe.h (nonexistent) then
include it from the three files?

+       "$common_connstr host=",
+       "host not matching an IPv4 address (Subject Alternative Name 1)",

It is not the real IP address of the server.
> In some cases, the URI is specified as an IP address rather than a
> hostname.  In this case, the iPAddress subjectAltName must be
> present in the certificate and must exactly match the IP in the URI.

When IP address is embedded in URI, it won't be translated to another
IP address. Concretely cannot reach to the host  On the other hand, as done in the test, libpq allows that
when "host= hostaddr=".  I can't understand what we
are doing in that case.  Don't we need to match the SAN IP address
with hostaddr instead of host?


Kyotaro Horiguchi
NTT Open Source Software Center

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