On 03/04/18 21:56, Daniel Gustafsson wrote:
The following line should say SSE and not SSSE (and the same typo is in
src/include/pg_config.h.in and src/include/pg_config.h.win32).  While not
introduced in this patch, it’s adjacent to the patched codepath and on topic so
may well be fixed while in there.

      AC_DEFINE(USE_SSE42_CRC32C_WITH_RUNTIME_CHECK, 1, [Define to 1 to use 
Intel SSSE 4.2 CRC instructions with a runtime check.])

I pushed that as a separate commit, as that goes back to 9.5. Also, I noticed that the description of USE_SLICING_BY_8_CRC32C was completely wrong, fixed that too. Thanks!

- Heikki

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