Hi Peter,

> PSA a PG docs patch that is associated with the logical replication
> Row Filters feature which was recently pushed [1].

The patch looks mostly OK, but I have several nitpicks.

    By default, all data from all published tables will be replicated to the
    appropriate subscribers.
    By default, all operation types are replicated.

The second sentence seems to be redundant.

    (This feature is available since PostgreSQL 15)

Please correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think we say that in the docs.
When the user opens the documentation for version X he or she sees
everything that is available in this version.

31.3. Filtering
There are 3 different ways to filter what data gets replicated.
31.3.1. Operation Filters
31.3.2. Row Filters
It looks like there are 2 different ways after all.

I see that a large part of the documentation is commented and marked as TBA
(Column Filters, Combining Different Kinds of Filters). Could you please
clarify if it's a work-in-progress patch? If it's not, I believe the
commented part should be removed before committing.

Best regards,
Aleksander Alekseev

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