
On Fri, 2022-03-25 at 00:37 -0400, Greg Stark wrote:
> Fwiw I find the idea of having a separate "aux" table kind of
> awkward.
> It'll seem strange to users not familiar with the history and without
> any clear idea why the fields are split.

Greg, thank you for your attention and for your thought.

I've just completed the 6th version of a patch implementing idea
proposed by Julien Rouhaud, i.e. without auxiliary statistics. 6th
version will reset current min/max fields to zeros until the first plan
or execute. I've decided to use zeros here because planning statistics
is zero in case of disabled tracking. I think sampling solution could
easily handle this.

Regards, Andrei Zubkov

From 68cd5efee7b3dbdb1b4034ab4c47249a23ca9d04 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Andrei Zubkov <zub...@moonset.ru>
Date: Fri, 25 Mar 2022 12:30:03 +0300
Subject: [PATCH] pg_stat_statements: Track statement entry timestamp

This patch adds stats_since column to the pg_stat_statements view. This column
is populated with the current timestamp when a new statement is added to the
pg_stat_statements hashtable. It provides clean information about statistics
collection time interval for each statement. Besides it can be used
by sampling solutions to detect situations when a statement was evicted and
returned back between samples.
Such sampling solution could derive any pg_stat_statements statistic value for
an interval between two samples with except of all min/max statistics. To
address this issue this patch adds the ability to reset min/max
statistics independently of statement reset using the new function
pg_stat_statements_aux_reset(userid oid, dbid oid, queryid bigint).
Timestamp of such reset is stored in the minmax_stats_since field for
each statement.

Discussion: https://www.postgresql.org/message-id/flat/72e80e7b160a6eb189df9ef6f068cce3765d37f8.camel%40moonset.ru
 contrib/pg_stat_statements/Makefile           |   3 +-
 .../expected/pg_stat_statements.out           | 140 +++++++++++++
 .../pg_stat_statements--1.9--1.10.sql         | 104 +++++++++
 .../pg_stat_statements/pg_stat_statements.c   | 197 ++++++++++++++++--
 .../pg_stat_statements.control                |   2 +-
 .../sql/pg_stat_statements.sql                |  92 ++++++++
 doc/src/sgml/pgstatstatements.sgml            |  64 +++++-
 7 files changed, 580 insertions(+), 22 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 contrib/pg_stat_statements/pg_stat_statements--1.9--1.10.sql

diff --git a/contrib/pg_stat_statements/Makefile b/contrib/pg_stat_statements/Makefile
index 7fabd96f38..edc40c8bbf 100644
--- a/contrib/pg_stat_statements/Makefile
+++ b/contrib/pg_stat_statements/Makefile
@@ -6,7 +6,8 @@ OBJS = \
 EXTENSION = pg_stat_statements
-DATA = pg_stat_statements--1.4.sql pg_stat_statements--1.8--1.9.sql \
+DATA = pg_stat_statements--1.4.sql \
+	pg_stat_statements--1.9--1.10.sql pg_stat_statements--1.8--1.9.sql \
 	pg_stat_statements--1.7--1.8.sql pg_stat_statements--1.6--1.7.sql \
 	pg_stat_statements--1.5--1.6.sql pg_stat_statements--1.4--1.5.sql \
 	pg_stat_statements--1.3--1.4.sql pg_stat_statements--1.2--1.3.sql \
diff --git a/contrib/pg_stat_statements/expected/pg_stat_statements.out b/contrib/pg_stat_statements/expected/pg_stat_statements.out
index e0abe34bb6..d59fcdc403 100644
--- a/contrib/pg_stat_statements/expected/pg_stat_statements.out
+++ b/contrib/pg_stat_statements/expected/pg_stat_statements.out
@@ -1077,4 +1077,144 @@ SELECT COUNT(*) FROM pg_stat_statements WHERE query LIKE '%SELECT GROUPING%';
 (1 row)
+-- statement timestamps
+SELECT pg_stat_statements_reset();
+ pg_stat_statements_reset 
+(1 row)
+       1
+(1 row)
+SELECT now() AS ref_ts \gset
+ ?column? | STMTTS2 
+        1 |       2
+(1 row)
+SELECT stats_since >= :'ref_ts', count(*) FROM pg_stat_statements
+GROUP BY stats_since >= :'ref_ts'
+ORDER BY stats_since >= :'ref_ts';
+ ?column? | count 
+ f        |     1
+ t        |     1
+(2 rows)
+SELECT now() AS ref_ts \gset
+  count(*) as total,
+  count(*) FILTER (
+    WHERE min_plan_time + max_plan_time = 0
+  ) as minmax_plan_zero,
+  count(*) FILTER (
+    WHERE min_exec_time + max_exec_time = 0
+  ) as minmax_exec_zero,
+  count(*) FILTER (
+    WHERE minmax_stats_since >= :'ref_ts'
+  ) as minmax_stats_since_after_ref,
+  count(*) FILTER (
+    WHERE stats_since >= :'ref_ts'
+  ) as stats_since_after_ref
+FROM pg_stat_statements
+ total | minmax_plan_zero | minmax_exec_zero | minmax_stats_since_after_ref | stats_since_after_ref 
+     2 |                0 |                0 |                            0 |                     0
+(1 row)
+-- Perform single min/max reset
+SELECT pg_stat_statements_minmax_reset(0, 0, queryid)
+FROM pg_stat_statements
+WHERE query LIKE '%STMTTS1%';
+ pg_stat_statements_minmax_reset 
+(1 row)
+-- check
+  count(*) as total,
+  count(*) FILTER (
+    WHERE min_plan_time + max_plan_time = 0
+  ) as minmax_plan_zero,
+  count(*) FILTER (
+    WHERE min_exec_time + max_exec_time = 0
+  ) as minmax_exec_zero,
+  count(*) FILTER (
+    WHERE minmax_stats_since >= :'ref_ts'
+  ) as minmax_stats_since_after_ref,
+  count(*) FILTER (
+    WHERE stats_since >= :'ref_ts'
+  ) as stats_since_after_ref
+FROM pg_stat_statements
+ total | minmax_plan_zero | minmax_exec_zero | minmax_stats_since_after_ref | stats_since_after_ref 
+     2 |                1 |                1 |                            1 |                     0
+(1 row)
+-- Perform common min/max reset
+SELECT pg_stat_statements_minmax_reset();
+ pg_stat_statements_minmax_reset 
+(1 row)
+-- check again
+  count(*) as total,
+  count(*) FILTER (
+    WHERE min_plan_time + max_plan_time = 0
+  ) as minmax_plan_zero,
+  count(*) FILTER (
+    WHERE min_exec_time + max_exec_time = 0
+  ) as minmax_exec_zero,
+  count(*) FILTER (
+    WHERE minmax_stats_since >= :'ref_ts'
+  ) as minmax_stats_since_after_ref,
+  count(*) FILTER (
+    WHERE stats_since >= :'ref_ts'
+  ) as stats_since_after_ref
+FROM pg_stat_statements
+ total | minmax_plan_zero | minmax_exec_zero | minmax_stats_since_after_ref | stats_since_after_ref 
+     2 |                2 |                2 |                            2 |                     0
+(1 row)
+-- Execute first query once more to check stats update
+       1
+(1 row)
+-- check
+  count(*) as total,
+  count(*) FILTER (
+    WHERE min_exec_time + max_exec_time = 0
+  ) as minmax_exec_zero,
+  count(*) FILTER (
+    WHERE minmax_stats_since >= :'ref_ts'
+  ) as minmax_stats_since_after_ref,
+  count(*) FILTER (
+    WHERE stats_since >= :'ref_ts'
+  ) as stats_since_after_ref
+FROM pg_stat_statements
+ total | minmax_exec_zero | minmax_stats_since_after_ref | stats_since_after_ref 
+     2 |                1 |                            2 |                     0
+(1 row)
 DROP EXTENSION pg_stat_statements;
diff --git a/contrib/pg_stat_statements/pg_stat_statements--1.9--1.10.sql b/contrib/pg_stat_statements/pg_stat_statements--1.9--1.10.sql
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..b068f20cc6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/contrib/pg_stat_statements/pg_stat_statements--1.9--1.10.sql
@@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
+/* contrib/pg_stat_statements/pg_stat_statements--1.9--1.10.sql */
+-- complain if script is sourced in psql, rather than via ALTER EXTENSION
+\echo Use "ALTER EXTENSION pg_stat_statements UPDATE TO '1.10'" to load this file. \quit
+/* We need to redefine a view and a function */
+/* First we have to remove them from the extension */
+ALTER EXTENSION pg_stat_statements DROP VIEW pg_stat_statements;
+ALTER EXTENSION pg_stat_statements DROP FUNCTION pg_stat_statements(boolean);
+/* Then we can drop them */
+DROP VIEW pg_stat_statements;
+DROP FUNCTION pg_stat_statements(boolean);
+/* Now redefine */
+CREATE FUNCTION pg_stat_statements(IN showtext boolean,
+    OUT userid oid,
+    OUT dbid oid,
+    OUT toplevel bool,
+    OUT queryid bigint,
+    OUT query text,
+    OUT plans int8,
+    OUT total_plan_time float8,
+    OUT min_plan_time float8,
+    OUT max_plan_time float8,
+    OUT mean_plan_time float8,
+    OUT stddev_plan_time float8,
+    OUT calls int8,
+    OUT total_exec_time float8,
+    OUT min_exec_time float8,
+    OUT max_exec_time float8,
+    OUT mean_exec_time float8,
+    OUT stddev_exec_time float8,
+    OUT rows int8,
+    OUT shared_blks_hit int8,
+    OUT shared_blks_read int8,
+    OUT shared_blks_dirtied int8,
+    OUT shared_blks_written int8,
+    OUT local_blks_hit int8,
+    OUT local_blks_read int8,
+    OUT local_blks_dirtied int8,
+    OUT local_blks_written int8,
+    OUT temp_blks_read int8,
+    OUT temp_blks_written int8,
+    OUT blk_read_time float8,
+    OUT blk_write_time float8,
+    OUT wal_records int8,
+    OUT wal_fpi int8,
+    OUT wal_bytes numeric,
+    OUT stats_since timestamp with time zone,
+    OUT minmax_stats_since timestamp with time zone
+AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME', 'pg_stat_statements_1_10'
+CREATE VIEW pg_stat_statements AS
+    userid,
+    dbid,
+    toplevel,
+    queryid,
+    query,
+    plans,
+    total_plan_time,
+    min_plan_time,
+    max_plan_time,
+    mean_plan_time,
+    stddev_plan_time,
+    calls,
+    total_exec_time,
+    min_exec_time,
+    max_exec_time,
+    mean_exec_time,
+    stddev_exec_time,
+    rows,
+    shared_blks_hit,
+    shared_blks_read,
+    shared_blks_dirtied,
+    shared_blks_written,
+    local_blks_hit,
+    local_blks_read,
+    local_blks_dirtied,
+    local_blks_written,
+    temp_blks_read,
+    temp_blks_written,
+    blk_read_time,
+    blk_write_time,
+    wal_records,
+    wal_fpi,
+    wal_bytes,
+    stats_since,
+    minmax_stats_since
+  FROM pg_stat_statements(true);
+CREATE FUNCTION pg_stat_statements_minmax_reset(IN userid Oid DEFAULT 0,
+	IN dbid Oid DEFAULT 0,
+	IN queryid bigint DEFAULT 0
+AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME', 'pg_stat_statements_minmax_reset_1_10'
+GRANT SELECT ON pg_stat_statements TO PUBLIC;
diff --git a/contrib/pg_stat_statements/pg_stat_statements.c b/contrib/pg_stat_statements/pg_stat_statements.c
index 9e525a6ad3..280512957f 100644
--- a/contrib/pg_stat_statements/pg_stat_statements.c
+++ b/contrib/pg_stat_statements/pg_stat_statements.c
@@ -88,7 +88,7 @@ PG_MODULE_MAGIC;
 #define PGSS_TEXT_FILE	PG_STAT_TMP_DIR "/pgss_query_texts.stat"
 /* Magic number identifying the stats file format */
-static const uint32 PGSS_FILE_HEADER = 0x20201227;
+static const uint32 PGSS_FILE_HEADER = 0x20210322;
 /* PostgreSQL major version number, changes in which invalidate all entries */
 static const uint32 PGSS_PG_MAJOR_VERSION = PG_VERSION_NUM / 100;
@@ -121,7 +121,8 @@ typedef enum pgssVersion
-	PGSS_V1_9
+	PGSS_V1_9,
+	PGSS_V1_10
 } pgssVersion;
 typedef enum pgssStoreKind
@@ -165,9 +166,9 @@ typedef struct Counters
 	double		total_time[PGSS_NUMKIND];	/* total planning/execution time,
 											 * in msec */
 	double		min_time[PGSS_NUMKIND]; /* minimum planning/execution time in
-										 * msec */
+										 * msec since min/max reset */
 	double		max_time[PGSS_NUMKIND]; /* maximum planning/execution time in
-										 * msec */
+										 * msec since min/max reset */
 	double		mean_time[PGSS_NUMKIND];	/* mean planning/execution time in
 											 * msec */
 	double		sum_var_time[PGSS_NUMKIND]; /* sum of variances in
@@ -209,12 +210,14 @@ typedef struct pgssGlobalStats
 typedef struct pgssEntry
-	pgssHashKey key;			/* hash key of entry - MUST BE FIRST */
-	Counters	counters;		/* the statistics for this query */
-	Size		query_offset;	/* query text offset in external file */
-	int			query_len;		/* # of valid bytes in query string, or -1 */
-	int			encoding;		/* query text encoding */
-	slock_t		mutex;			/* protects the counters only */
+	pgssHashKey key;				/* hash key of entry - MUST BE FIRST */
+	Counters	counters;			/* the statistics for this query */
+	Size		query_offset;		/* query text offset in external file */
+	int			query_len;			/* # of valid bytes in query string, or -1 */
+	int			encoding;			/* query text encoding */
+	TimestampTz	stats_since;		/* timestamp of entry allocation moment */
+	TimestampTz	minmax_stats_since;	/* timestamp of last min/max values reset */
+	slock_t		mutex;				/* protects the counters only */
 } pgssEntry;
@@ -298,10 +301,12 @@ void		_PG_fini(void);
@@ -345,6 +350,7 @@ static char *qtext_fetch(Size query_offset, int query_len,
 						 char *buffer, Size buffer_size);
 static bool need_gc_qtexts(void);
 static void gc_qtexts(void);
+static void entry_minmax_reset(Oid userid, Oid dbid, uint64 queryid);
 static void entry_reset(Oid userid, Oid dbid, uint64 queryid);
 static char *generate_normalized_query(JumbleState *jstate, const char *query,
 									   int query_loc, int *query_len_p);
@@ -649,6 +655,8 @@ pgss_shmem_startup(void)
 		/* copy in the actual stats */
 		entry->counters = temp.counters;
+		entry->stats_since = temp.stats_since;
+		entry->minmax_stats_since = temp.minmax_stats_since;
 	/* Read global statistics for pg_stat_statements */
@@ -1350,11 +1358,23 @@ pgss_store(const char *query, uint64 queryId,
 			e->counters.sum_var_time[kind] +=
 				(total_time - old_mean) * (total_time - e->counters.mean_time[kind]);
-			/* calculate min and max time */
-			if (e->counters.min_time[kind] > total_time)
+			/*
+			 * Calculate min and max time. min = 0 and max = 0
+			 * means that min/max statistics reset was happen
+			 */
+			if (e->counters.min_time[kind] == 0
+				&& e->counters.max_time[kind] == 0)
+			{
 				e->counters.min_time[kind] = total_time;
-			if (e->counters.max_time[kind] < total_time)
 				e->counters.max_time[kind] = total_time;
+			}
+			else
+			{
+				if (e->counters.min_time[kind] > total_time)
+					e->counters.min_time[kind] = total_time;
+				if (e->counters.max_time[kind] < total_time)
+					e->counters.max_time[kind] = total_time;
+			}
 		e->counters.rows += rows;
 		e->counters.shared_blks_hit += bufusage->shared_blks_hit;
@@ -1385,6 +1405,25 @@ done:
+ * Reset min/max statement statistics corresponding to userid, dbid, and queryid.
+ */
+	Oid			userid;
+	Oid			dbid;
+	uint64		queryid;
+	userid = PG_GETARG_OID(0);
+	dbid = PG_GETARG_OID(1);
+	queryid = (uint64) PG_GETARG_INT64(2);
+	entry_minmax_reset(userid, dbid, queryid);
  * Reset statement statistics corresponding to userid, dbid, and queryid.
@@ -1422,7 +1461,8 @@ pg_stat_statements_reset(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
-#define PG_STAT_STATEMENTS_COLS			33	/* maximum of above */
+#define PG_STAT_STATEMENTS_COLS			35	/* maximum of above */
  * Retrieve statement statistics.
@@ -1434,6 +1474,16 @@ pg_stat_statements_reset(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
  * expected API version is identified by embedding it in the C name of the
  * function.  Unfortunately we weren't bright enough to do that for 1.1.
+	bool		showtext = PG_GETARG_BOOL(0);
+	pg_stat_statements_internal(fcinfo, PGSS_V1_10, showtext);
+	return (Datum) 0;
@@ -1547,6 +1597,10 @@ pg_stat_statements_internal(FunctionCallInfo fcinfo,
 			if (api_version != PGSS_V1_9)
 				elog(ERROR, "incorrect number of output arguments");
+			if (api_version != PGSS_V1_10)
+				elog(ERROR, "incorrect number of output arguments");
+			break;
 			elog(ERROR, "incorrect number of output arguments");
@@ -1625,6 +1679,8 @@ pg_stat_statements_internal(FunctionCallInfo fcinfo,
 		Counters	tmp;
 		double		stddev;
 		int64		queryid = entry->key.queryid;
+		TimestampTz	stats_since;
+		TimestampTz	minmax_stats_since;
 		memset(values, 0, sizeof(values));
 		memset(nulls, 0, sizeof(nulls));
@@ -1693,6 +1749,8 @@ pg_stat_statements_internal(FunctionCallInfo fcinfo,
 			tmp = e->counters;
+			stats_since = e->stats_since;
+			minmax_stats_since = e->minmax_stats_since;
@@ -1727,6 +1785,7 @@ pg_stat_statements_internal(FunctionCallInfo fcinfo,
 					stddev = 0.0;
 				values[i++] = Float8GetDatumFast(stddev);
 		values[i++] = Int64GetDatumFast(tmp.rows);
@@ -1764,6 +1823,11 @@ pg_stat_statements_internal(FunctionCallInfo fcinfo,
 			values[i++] = wal_bytes;
+		if (api_version >= PGSS_V1_10)
+		{
+			values[i++] = TimestampTzGetDatum(stats_since);
+			values[i++] = TimestampTzGetDatum(minmax_stats_since);
+		}
 		Assert(i == (api_version == PGSS_V1_0 ? PG_STAT_STATEMENTS_COLS_V1_0 :
 					 api_version == PGSS_V1_1 ? PG_STAT_STATEMENTS_COLS_V1_1 :
@@ -1771,6 +1835,7 @@ pg_stat_statements_internal(FunctionCallInfo fcinfo,
 					 api_version == PGSS_V1_3 ? PG_STAT_STATEMENTS_COLS_V1_3 :
 					 api_version == PGSS_V1_8 ? PG_STAT_STATEMENTS_COLS_V1_8 :
 					 api_version == PGSS_V1_9 ? PG_STAT_STATEMENTS_COLS_V1_9 :
+					 api_version == PGSS_V1_10 ? PG_STAT_STATEMENTS_COLS_V1_10 :
 					 -1 /* fail if you forget to update this assert */ ));
 		tuplestore_putvalues(rsinfo->setResult, rsinfo->setDesc, values, nulls);
@@ -1884,6 +1949,8 @@ entry_alloc(pgssHashKey *key, Size query_offset, int query_len, int encoding,
 		entry->query_offset = query_offset;
 		entry->query_len = query_len;
 		entry->encoding = encoding;
+		entry->stats_since = GetCurrentTimestamp();
+		entry->minmax_stats_since = entry->stats_since;
 	return entry;
@@ -2430,6 +2497,106 @@ gc_fail:
+ * Reset min/max values of specified entries
+ */
+static void
+entry_minmax_reset(Oid userid, Oid dbid, uint64 queryid)
+	HASH_SEQ_STATUS hash_seq;
+	pgssEntry  *entry;
+	Counters *entry_counters;
+	pgssHashKey key;
+	TimestampTz minmax_stats_reset;
+	if (!pgss || !pgss_hash)
+		ereport(ERROR,
+				 errmsg("pg_stat_statements must be loaded via shared_preload_libraries")));
+	LWLockAcquire(pgss->lock, LW_EXCLUSIVE);
+	minmax_stats_reset = GetCurrentTimestamp();
+	if (userid != 0 && dbid != 0 && queryid != UINT64CONST(0))
+	{
+		/* If all the parameters are available, use the fast path. */
+		memset(&key, 0, sizeof(pgssHashKey));
+		key.userid = userid;
+		key.dbid = dbid;
+		key.queryid = queryid;
+		/*
+		 * Reset min/max values, starting with the nested-level entry
+		 * For min/max values reset sign is min = 0 and max = 0
+		 */
+		key.toplevel = false;
+		entry = (pgssEntry *) hash_search(pgss_hash, &key, HASH_FIND, NULL);
+		if (entry)				/* found */
+		{
+			entry_counters = &entry->counters;
+			for (int kind = 0; kind < PGSS_NUMKIND; kind++)
+			{
+				entry_counters->max_time[kind] = 0;
+				entry_counters->min_time[kind] = 0;
+			}
+			entry->minmax_stats_since = minmax_stats_reset;
+		}
+		/* Reset min/max values for top level statements */
+		key.toplevel = true;
+		entry = (pgssEntry *) hash_search(pgss_hash, &key, HASH_FIND, NULL);
+		if (entry)				/* found */
+		{
+			entry_counters = &entry->counters;
+			for (int kind = 0; kind < PGSS_NUMKIND; kind++)
+			{
+				entry_counters->max_time[kind] = 0;
+				entry_counters->min_time[kind] = 0;
+			}
+			entry->minmax_stats_since = minmax_stats_reset;
+		}
+	}
+	else if (userid != 0 || dbid != 0 || queryid != UINT64CONST(0))
+	{
+		/* Reset min/max values for entries  corresponding to valid parameters. */
+		hash_seq_init(&hash_seq, pgss_hash);
+		while ((entry = hash_seq_search(&hash_seq)) != NULL)
+		{
+			if ((!userid || entry->key.userid == userid) &&
+				(!dbid || entry->key.dbid == dbid) &&
+				(!queryid || entry->key.queryid == queryid))
+			{
+				entry_counters = &entry->counters;
+				for (int kind = 0; kind < PGSS_NUMKIND; kind++)
+				{
+					entry_counters->max_time[kind] = 0;
+					entry_counters->min_time[kind] = 0;
+				}
+				entry->minmax_stats_since = minmax_stats_reset;
+			}
+		}
+	}
+	else
+	{
+		/* Reset min/max values for all entries. */
+		hash_seq_init(&hash_seq, pgss_hash);
+		while ((entry = hash_seq_search(&hash_seq)) != NULL)
+		{
+			entry_counters = &entry->counters;
+			for (int kind = 0; kind < PGSS_NUMKIND; kind++)
+			{
+				entry_counters->max_time[kind] = 0;
+				entry_counters->min_time[kind] = 0;
+			}
+			entry->minmax_stats_since = minmax_stats_reset;
+		}
+	}
+	LWLockRelease(pgss->lock);
  * Release entries corresponding to parameters passed.
@@ -2459,7 +2626,7 @@ entry_reset(Oid userid, Oid dbid, uint64 queryid)
 		key.dbid = dbid;
 		key.queryid = queryid;
-		/* Remove the key if it exists, starting with the top-level entry  */
+		/* Remove the key if it exists, starting with the nested-level entry  */
 		key.toplevel = false;
 		entry = (pgssEntry *) hash_search(pgss_hash, &key, HASH_REMOVE, NULL);
 		if (entry)				/* found */
diff --git a/contrib/pg_stat_statements/pg_stat_statements.control b/contrib/pg_stat_statements/pg_stat_statements.control
index 2f1ce6ed50..0747e48138 100644
--- a/contrib/pg_stat_statements/pg_stat_statements.control
+++ b/contrib/pg_stat_statements/pg_stat_statements.control
@@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
 # pg_stat_statements extension
 comment = 'track planning and execution statistics of all SQL statements executed'
-default_version = '1.9'
+default_version = '1.10'
 module_pathname = '$libdir/pg_stat_statements'
 relocatable = true
diff --git a/contrib/pg_stat_statements/sql/pg_stat_statements.sql b/contrib/pg_stat_statements/sql/pg_stat_statements.sql
index dffd2c8c18..e5bab74d0a 100644
--- a/contrib/pg_stat_statements/sql/pg_stat_statements.sql
+++ b/contrib/pg_stat_statements/sql/pg_stat_statements.sql
@@ -442,4 +442,96 @@ SELECT (
 SELECT COUNT(*) FROM pg_stat_statements WHERE query LIKE '%SELECT GROUPING%';
+-- statement timestamps
+SELECT pg_stat_statements_reset();
+SELECT now() AS ref_ts \gset
+SELECT stats_since >= :'ref_ts', count(*) FROM pg_stat_statements
+GROUP BY stats_since >= :'ref_ts'
+ORDER BY stats_since >= :'ref_ts';
+SELECT now() AS ref_ts \gset
+  count(*) as total,
+  count(*) FILTER (
+    WHERE min_plan_time + max_plan_time = 0
+  ) as minmax_plan_zero,
+  count(*) FILTER (
+    WHERE min_exec_time + max_exec_time = 0
+  ) as minmax_exec_zero,
+  count(*) FILTER (
+    WHERE minmax_stats_since >= :'ref_ts'
+  ) as minmax_stats_since_after_ref,
+  count(*) FILTER (
+    WHERE stats_since >= :'ref_ts'
+  ) as stats_since_after_ref
+FROM pg_stat_statements
+-- Perform single min/max reset
+SELECT pg_stat_statements_minmax_reset(0, 0, queryid)
+FROM pg_stat_statements
+WHERE query LIKE '%STMTTS1%';
+-- check
+  count(*) as total,
+  count(*) FILTER (
+    WHERE min_plan_time + max_plan_time = 0
+  ) as minmax_plan_zero,
+  count(*) FILTER (
+    WHERE min_exec_time + max_exec_time = 0
+  ) as minmax_exec_zero,
+  count(*) FILTER (
+    WHERE minmax_stats_since >= :'ref_ts'
+  ) as minmax_stats_since_after_ref,
+  count(*) FILTER (
+    WHERE stats_since >= :'ref_ts'
+  ) as stats_since_after_ref
+FROM pg_stat_statements
+-- Perform common min/max reset
+SELECT pg_stat_statements_minmax_reset();
+-- check again
+  count(*) as total,
+  count(*) FILTER (
+    WHERE min_plan_time + max_plan_time = 0
+  ) as minmax_plan_zero,
+  count(*) FILTER (
+    WHERE min_exec_time + max_exec_time = 0
+  ) as minmax_exec_zero,
+  count(*) FILTER (
+    WHERE minmax_stats_since >= :'ref_ts'
+  ) as minmax_stats_since_after_ref,
+  count(*) FILTER (
+    WHERE stats_since >= :'ref_ts'
+  ) as stats_since_after_ref
+FROM pg_stat_statements
+-- Execute first query once more to check stats update
+-- check
+  count(*) as total,
+  count(*) FILTER (
+    WHERE min_exec_time + max_exec_time = 0
+  ) as minmax_exec_zero,
+  count(*) FILTER (
+    WHERE minmax_stats_since >= :'ref_ts'
+  ) as minmax_stats_since_after_ref,
+  count(*) FILTER (
+    WHERE stats_since >= :'ref_ts'
+  ) as stats_since_after_ref
+FROM pg_stat_statements
 DROP EXTENSION pg_stat_statements;
diff --git a/doc/src/sgml/pgstatstatements.sgml b/doc/src/sgml/pgstatstatements.sgml
index bc9d5bdbe3..91ee49aa1e 100644
--- a/doc/src/sgml/pgstatstatements.sgml
+++ b/doc/src/sgml/pgstatstatements.sgml
@@ -30,7 +30,8 @@
    these statistics, the module provides views
    <structname>pg_stat_statements</structname> and
-   and the utility functions <function>pg_stat_statements_reset</function> and
+   and the utility functions <function>pg_stat_statements_reset</function>,
+   <function>pg_stat_statements_minmax_reset</function> and
    <function>pg_stat_statements</function>.  These are not available globally but
    can be enabled for a specific database with
    <command>CREATE EXTENSION pg_stat_statements</command>.
@@ -142,7 +143,9 @@
        Minimum time spent planning the statement, in milliseconds
        (if <varname>pg_stat_statements.track_planning</varname> is enabled,
-       otherwise zero)
+       otherwise zero), this field will contain zero until this statement
+       is planned fist time after reset performed by the
+       <function>pg_stat_statements_minmax_reset</function> function
@@ -153,7 +156,9 @@
        Maximum time spent planning the statement, in milliseconds
        (if <varname>pg_stat_statements.track_planning</varname> is enabled,
-       otherwise zero)
+       otherwise zero), this field will contain zero until this statement
+       is planned fist time after reset performed by the
+       <function>pg_stat_statements_minmax_reset</function> function
@@ -203,7 +208,10 @@
        <structfield>min_exec_time</structfield> <type>double precision</type>
-       Minimum time spent executing the statement, in milliseconds
+       Minimum time spent executing the statement, in milliseconds,
+       this field will contain zero until this statement
+       is executed fist time after reset performed by the
+       <function>pg_stat_statements_minmax_reset</function> function
@@ -212,7 +220,10 @@
        <structfield>max_exec_time</structfield> <type>double precision</type>
-       Maximum time spent executing the statement, in milliseconds
+       Maximum time spent executing the statement, in milliseconds,
+       this field will contain zero until this statement
+       is executed fist time after reset performed by the
+       <function>pg_stat_statements_minmax_reset</function> function
@@ -379,6 +390,24 @@
        Total amount of WAL generated by the statement in bytes
+     <row>
+      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
+       <structfield>stats_since</structfield> <type>timestamp with time zone</type>
+      </para>
+      <para>
+       Timestamp of statistics gathering start for the statement
+      </para></entry>
+     </row>
+     <row>
+      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
+       <structfield>minmax_stats_since</structfield> <type>timestamp with time zone</type>
+      </para>
+      <para>
+       Timestamp of min/max fields statistics gathering start for the statement
+      </para></entry>
+     </row>
@@ -595,6 +624,31 @@
+   <varlistentry>
+    <term>
+     <function>pg_stat_statements_minmax_reset(userid Oid, dbid Oid, queryid bigint) returns void</function>
+     <indexterm>
+      <primary>pg_stat_statements_minmax_reset</primary>
+     </indexterm>
+    </term>
+    <listitem>
+     <para>
+      <function>pg_stat_statements_minmax_reset</function> discards only the values of
+      minimun and maximum execution and planning time (i.e.
+      <structfield>min_plan_time</structfield>, <structfield>max_plan_time</structfield>, <structfield>min_exec_time</structfield> and <structfield>max_exec_time</structfield>
+      fields) gathered so far by <filename>pg_stat_statements</filename> corresponding
+      to the specified <structfield>userid</structfield>, <structfield>dbid</structfield>
+      and <structfield>queryid</structfield> (like <function>pg_stat_statements_reset</function>
+      function). This function will update the value of
+      <structfield>minmax_stats_since</structfield> field with the current
+      timestamp.
+      By default, this function can only be executed by superusers.
+      Access may be granted to others using <command>GRANT</command>.
+     </para>
+    </listitem>
+   </varlistentry>
      <function>pg_stat_statements(showtext boolean) returns setof record</function>

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