On Tue, Mar 8, 2022 at 4:08 AM Julien Rouhaud <rjuju...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Mon, Mar 07, 2022 at 01:40:34PM +0100, Magnus Hagander wrote:
> >
> > I wonder if there might be an interesting middle ground, or if that is
> > making it too much. That is, we could have an
> > Option 3:
> > jit_count
> > total_jit_time - for sum of functions+inlining+optimization+emission time
> > min_jit_time - for sum of functions+inlining+optimization+emission time
> > max_jit_time - for sum of functions+inlining+optimization+emission time
> > mean_jit_time - for sum of functions+inlining+optimization+emission time
> > stddev_jit_time - for sum of functions+inlining+optimization+emission
> time
> > jit_functions
> > jit_generation_time
> > jit_inlining_count
> > jit_inlining_time
> > jit_optimization_count
> > jit_optimization_time
> > jit_emission_count
> > jit_emission_time
> >
> > That is, we'd get the more detailed timings across the total time, but
> > not on the details. But that might be overkill.
> I also thought about it but it seems overkill.  pg_stat_statements view is
> already very big, and I think that the JIT time should be somewhat stable,
> at
> least compared to how much a query execution time can vary depending on the
> parameters.  This approach would also be a bit useless if you change the
> costing of underlying JIT operation.
> > But -- here's an updated patched based on Option 2.
> Thanks!
> Code-wide, the patch looks good.  For the doc, it seems that you documented
> jit_inlining_count three times rather than documenting
> jit_optimization_count
> and jit_emission_count.

Oops, thanks and fixed.

I don't think we can add tests there, and having a test for every new
> counter
> being >= 0 seems entirely useless, however there should be a new test
> added for
> the "oldextversions" test to make sure that there's no issue with old SQL
> / new
> shlib compatibility.  And looking at it I see that it was already missed
> for
> version 1.9 :(

Indeed. Fixed here.

Michael had already applied a patch that took us to 1.10 and added that
test, so I've just updated it here. I don't think we normally bump the
version twice int he same day, so I just mergd the SQL script changes as

PFA a "final" version for the CI to run.

 Magnus Hagander
 Me: https://www.hagander.net/ <http://www.hagander.net/>
 Work: https://www.redpill-linpro.com/ <http://www.redpill-linpro.com/>
diff --git a/contrib/pg_stat_statements/expected/oldextversions.out b/contrib/pg_stat_statements/expected/oldextversions.out
index 2813eb16cb..efb2049ecf 100644
--- a/contrib/pg_stat_statements/expected/oldextversions.out
+++ b/contrib/pg_stat_statements/expected/oldextversions.out
@@ -197,44 +197,52 @@ SELECT count(*) > 0 AS has_data FROM pg_stat_statements;
 -- New functions and views for pg_stat_statements in 1.10
 AlTER EXTENSION pg_stat_statements UPDATE TO '1.10';
 \d pg_stat_statements
-                    View "public.pg_stat_statements"
-       Column        |       Type       | Collation | Nullable | Default 
- userid              | oid              |           |          | 
- dbid                | oid              |           |          | 
- toplevel            | boolean          |           |          | 
- queryid             | bigint           |           |          | 
- query               | text             |           |          | 
- plans               | bigint           |           |          | 
- total_plan_time     | double precision |           |          | 
- min_plan_time       | double precision |           |          | 
- max_plan_time       | double precision |           |          | 
- mean_plan_time      | double precision |           |          | 
- stddev_plan_time    | double precision |           |          | 
- calls               | bigint           |           |          | 
- total_exec_time     | double precision |           |          | 
- min_exec_time       | double precision |           |          | 
- max_exec_time       | double precision |           |          | 
- mean_exec_time      | double precision |           |          | 
- stddev_exec_time    | double precision |           |          | 
- rows                | bigint           |           |          | 
- shared_blks_hit     | bigint           |           |          | 
- shared_blks_read    | bigint           |           |          | 
- shared_blks_dirtied | bigint           |           |          | 
- shared_blks_written | bigint           |           |          | 
- local_blks_hit      | bigint           |           |          | 
- local_blks_read     | bigint           |           |          | 
- local_blks_dirtied  | bigint           |           |          | 
- local_blks_written  | bigint           |           |          | 
- temp_blks_read      | bigint           |           |          | 
- temp_blks_written   | bigint           |           |          | 
- blk_read_time       | double precision |           |          | 
- blk_write_time      | double precision |           |          | 
- temp_blk_read_time  | double precision |           |          | 
- temp_blk_write_time | double precision |           |          | 
- wal_records         | bigint           |           |          | 
- wal_fpi             | bigint           |           |          | 
- wal_bytes           | numeric          |           |          | 
+                      View "public.pg_stat_statements"
+         Column         |       Type       | Collation | Nullable | Default 
+ userid                 | oid              |           |          | 
+ dbid                   | oid              |           |          | 
+ toplevel               | boolean          |           |          | 
+ queryid                | bigint           |           |          | 
+ query                  | text             |           |          | 
+ plans                  | bigint           |           |          | 
+ total_plan_time        | double precision |           |          | 
+ min_plan_time          | double precision |           |          | 
+ max_plan_time          | double precision |           |          | 
+ mean_plan_time         | double precision |           |          | 
+ stddev_plan_time       | double precision |           |          | 
+ calls                  | bigint           |           |          | 
+ total_exec_time        | double precision |           |          | 
+ min_exec_time          | double precision |           |          | 
+ max_exec_time          | double precision |           |          | 
+ mean_exec_time         | double precision |           |          | 
+ stddev_exec_time       | double precision |           |          | 
+ rows                   | bigint           |           |          | 
+ shared_blks_hit        | bigint           |           |          | 
+ shared_blks_read       | bigint           |           |          | 
+ shared_blks_dirtied    | bigint           |           |          | 
+ shared_blks_written    | bigint           |           |          | 
+ local_blks_hit         | bigint           |           |          | 
+ local_blks_read        | bigint           |           |          | 
+ local_blks_dirtied     | bigint           |           |          | 
+ local_blks_written     | bigint           |           |          | 
+ temp_blks_read         | bigint           |           |          | 
+ temp_blks_written      | bigint           |           |          | 
+ blk_read_time          | double precision |           |          | 
+ blk_write_time         | double precision |           |          | 
+ temp_blk_read_time     | double precision |           |          | 
+ temp_blk_write_time    | double precision |           |          | 
+ wal_records            | bigint           |           |          | 
+ wal_fpi                | bigint           |           |          | 
+ wal_bytes              | numeric          |           |          | 
+ jit_functions          | bigint           |           |          | 
+ jit_generation_time    | double precision |           |          | 
+ jit_inlining_count     | bigint           |           |          | 
+ jit_inlining_time      | double precision |           |          | 
+ jit_optimization_count | bigint           |           |          | 
+ jit_optimization_time  | double precision |           |          | 
+ jit_emission_count     | bigint           |           |          | 
+ jit_emission_time      | double precision |           |          | 
 SELECT count(*) > 0 AS has_data FROM pg_stat_statements;
diff --git a/contrib/pg_stat_statements/pg_stat_statements--1.9--1.10.sql b/contrib/pg_stat_statements/pg_stat_statements--1.9--1.10.sql
index ca777f14e8..811813c491 100644
--- a/contrib/pg_stat_statements/pg_stat_statements--1.9--1.10.sql
+++ b/contrib/pg_stat_statements/pg_stat_statements--1.9--1.10.sql
@@ -47,7 +47,15 @@ CREATE FUNCTION pg_stat_statements(IN showtext boolean,
     OUT temp_blk_write_time float8,
     OUT wal_records int8,
     OUT wal_fpi int8,
-    OUT wal_bytes numeric
+    OUT wal_bytes numeric,
+    OUT jit_functions int8,
+    OUT jit_generation_time float8,
+    OUT jit_inlining_count int8,
+    OUT jit_inlining_time float8,
+    OUT jit_optimization_count int8,
+    OUT jit_optimization_time float8,
+    OUT jit_emission_count int8,
+    OUT jit_emission_time float8
 AS 'MODULE_PATHNAME', 'pg_stat_statements_1_10'
diff --git a/contrib/pg_stat_statements/pg_stat_statements.c b/contrib/pg_stat_statements/pg_stat_statements.c
index 42ac001053..1ca67ef623 100644
--- a/contrib/pg_stat_statements/pg_stat_statements.c
+++ b/contrib/pg_stat_statements/pg_stat_statements.c
@@ -52,6 +52,7 @@
 #include "common/hashfn.h"
 #include "executor/instrument.h"
 #include "funcapi.h"
+#include "jit/jit.h"
 #include "mb/pg_wchar.h"
 #include "miscadmin.h"
 #include "optimizer/planner.h"
@@ -188,6 +189,17 @@ typedef struct Counters
 	int64		wal_records;	/* # of WAL records generated */
 	int64		wal_fpi;		/* # of WAL full page images generated */
 	uint64		wal_bytes;		/* total amount of WAL generated in bytes */
+	int64		jit_functions;	/* total number of JIT functions emitted */
+	double		jit_generation_time;	/* total time to generate jit code */
+	int64		jit_inlining_count; /* number of times inlining time has been
+									 * > 0 */
+	double		jit_inlining_time;	/* total time to inline jit code */
+	int64		jit_optimization_count; /* number of times optimization time
+										 * has been > 0 */
+	double		jit_optimization_time;	/* total time to optimize jit code */
+	int64		jit_emission_count; /* number of times emission time has been
+									 * > 0 */
+	double		jit_emission_time;	/* total time to emit jit code */
 } Counters;
@@ -330,6 +342,7 @@ static void pgss_store(const char *query, uint64 queryId,
 					   double total_time, uint64 rows,
 					   const BufferUsage *bufusage,
 					   const WalUsage *walusage,
+					   const struct JitInstrumentation *jitusage,
 					   JumbleState *jstate);
 static void pg_stat_statements_internal(FunctionCallInfo fcinfo,
 										pgssVersion api_version,
@@ -854,6 +867,7 @@ pgss_post_parse_analyze(ParseState *pstate, Query *query, JumbleState *jstate)
+				   NULL,
@@ -938,6 +952,7 @@ pgss_planner(Query *parse,
+				   NULL,
@@ -1056,6 +1071,7 @@ pgss_ExecutorEnd(QueryDesc *queryDesc)
+				   queryDesc->estate->es_jit ? &queryDesc->estate->es_jit->instr : NULL,
@@ -1173,6 +1189,7 @@ pgss_ProcessUtility(PlannedStmt *pstmt, const char *queryString,
+				   NULL,
@@ -1206,6 +1223,7 @@ pgss_store(const char *query, uint64 queryId,
 		   double total_time, uint64 rows,
 		   const BufferUsage *bufusage,
 		   const WalUsage *walusage,
+		   const struct JitInstrumentation *jitusage,
 		   JumbleState *jstate)
 	pgssHashKey key;
@@ -1375,6 +1393,23 @@ pgss_store(const char *query, uint64 queryId,
 		e->counters.wal_records += walusage->wal_records;
 		e->counters.wal_fpi += walusage->wal_fpi;
 		e->counters.wal_bytes += walusage->wal_bytes;
+		if (jitusage)
+		{
+			e->counters.jit_functions += jitusage->created_functions;
+			e->counters.jit_generation_time += INSTR_TIME_GET_MILLISEC(jitusage->generation_counter);
+			if (INSTR_TIME_GET_MILLISEC(jitusage->inlining_counter))
+				e->counters.jit_inlining_count++;
+			e->counters.jit_inlining_time += INSTR_TIME_GET_MILLISEC(jitusage->inlining_counter);
+			if (INSTR_TIME_GET_MILLISEC(jitusage->optimization_counter))
+				e->counters.jit_optimization_count++;
+			e->counters.jit_optimization_time += INSTR_TIME_GET_MILLISEC(jitusage->optimization_counter);
+			if (INSTR_TIME_GET_MILLISEC(jitusage->emission_counter))
+				e->counters.jit_emission_count++;
+			e->counters.jit_emission_time += INSTR_TIME_GET_MILLISEC(jitusage->emission_counter);
+		}
@@ -1424,8 +1459,8 @@ pg_stat_statements_reset(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
-#define PG_STAT_STATEMENTS_COLS			35	/* maximum of above */
+#define PG_STAT_STATEMENTS_COLS			43	/* maximum of above */
  * Retrieve statement statistics.
@@ -1786,6 +1821,17 @@ pg_stat_statements_internal(FunctionCallInfo fcinfo,
 			values[i++] = wal_bytes;
+		if (api_version >= PGSS_V1_10)
+		{
+			values[i++] = Int64GetDatumFast(tmp.jit_functions);
+			values[i++] = Float8GetDatumFast(tmp.jit_generation_time);
+			values[i++] = Int64GetDatumFast(tmp.jit_inlining_count);
+			values[i++] = Float8GetDatumFast(tmp.jit_inlining_time);
+			values[i++] = Int64GetDatumFast(tmp.jit_optimization_count);
+			values[i++] = Float8GetDatumFast(tmp.jit_optimization_time);
+			values[i++] = Int64GetDatumFast(tmp.jit_emission_count);
+			values[i++] = Float8GetDatumFast(tmp.jit_emission_time);
+		}
 		Assert(i == (api_version == PGSS_V1_0 ? PG_STAT_STATEMENTS_COLS_V1_0 :
 					 api_version == PGSS_V1_1 ? PG_STAT_STATEMENTS_COLS_V1_1 :
diff --git a/doc/src/sgml/pgstatstatements.sgml b/doc/src/sgml/pgstatstatements.sgml
index 0ead2464d8..45e720e995 100644
--- a/doc/src/sgml/pgstatstatements.sgml
+++ b/doc/src/sgml/pgstatstatements.sgml
@@ -401,6 +401,78 @@
        Total amount of WAL generated by the statement in bytes
+     <row>
+      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
+       <structfield>jit_functions</structfield> <type>bigint</type>
+      </para>
+      <para>
+       Total number of functions JIT-compiled by the statement
+      </para></entry>
+     </row>
+     <row>
+      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
+       <structfield>jit_generation_time</structfield> <type>bigint</type>
+      </para>
+      <para>
+       Total time spent by the statement on generating JIT code, in milliseconds
+      </para></entry>
+     </row>
+     <row>
+      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
+       <structfield>jit_inlining_count</structfield> <type>bigint</type>
+      </para>
+      <para>
+       Number of times functions have been inlined
+      </para></entry>
+     </row>
+     <row>
+      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
+       <structfield>jit_inlining_time</structfield> <type>bigint</type>
+      </para>
+      <para>
+       Total time spent by the statement on inlining functions, in milliseconds
+      </para></entry>
+     </row>
+     <row>
+      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
+       <structfield>jit_optimization_count</structfield> <type>bigint</type>
+      </para>
+      <para>
+       Number of times the statement has been optimized
+      </para></entry>
+     </row>
+     <row>
+      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
+       <structfield>jit_optimization_time</structfield> <type>bigint</type>
+      </para>
+      <para>
+       Total time spent by the statement on optimizing, in milliseconds
+      </para></entry>
+     </row>
+     <row>
+      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
+       <structfield>jit_emission_count</structfield> <type>bigint</type>
+      </para>
+      <para>
+       Number of times code has been emitted
+      </para></entry>
+     </row>
+     <row>
+      <entry role="catalog_table_entry"><para role="column_definition">
+       <structfield>jit_emission_time</structfield> <type>bigint</type>
+      </para>
+      <para>
+       Total time spent by the statement on emitting code, in milliseconds
+      </para></entry>
+     </row>

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