These remaining CF entries look like they're bugs that are maybe Open
Issues for release?

* fix spinlock contention in LogwrtResult

* Avoid erroring out when unable to remove or parse logical rewrite
files to save checkpoint work

* Add checkpoint and redo LSN to LogCheckpointEnd log message

* standby recovery fails when re-replaying due to missing directory
which was removed in previous replay.

* Logical replication failure "ERROR: could not map filenode
"base/13237/442428" to relation OID" with catalog modifying txns

* fix psql pattern handling

* Possible fails in pg_stat_statements test

* pg_receivewal fail to streams when the partial file to write is not
fully initialized present in the wal receiver directory

* Fix pg_rewind race condition just after promotion

Was the plan to commit this after feature freeze?

* pg_stat_statements: Track statement entry timestamp

A couple minor documentation, testing, and diagnostics patches that
may be committable even after feature freeze?

* Improve role attributes docs

* Reloption tests iprovement. Test resetting illegal option that was
actually set for some reason

* Make message at end-of-recovery less scary

* jit_warn_above_fraction parameter

And then there are the more devlish cases. I think some of these
patches are Rejected or Returned with Feedback but I'm not certain.
Some of them have split into multiple discussions or are partly
committed but still related work remains. Any opinions on what to do
with these?

* Simplify some RI checks to reduce SPI overhead

* Map WAL segment files on PMEM as WAL buffers

* Support custom authentication methods using hooks

* Implement INSERT SET syntax

* Logical insert/update/delete WAL records for custom table AMs


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