Specifying the library name before the language-country code with a new 
separator  (":") as you suggested below has some benefits. Did you consider 
making the collation version just another collation attribute, such as 
colStrength, colCaseLevel, etc.?  
For example, an alternate syntax might be:  

    create collation icu63."en-US-x-icu" (provider = icu, locale = 

Was the concern that ICU might redefine a new collation property with the same 
name in a different and incompatible way (we might work with the ICU developers 
to agree on what it should be), or that a version is just not the same kind of 
collation property as the other collation properties?

(in the example above, I'm assuming that for provider = icu, we could translate 
'63' into  'libicui18n.so.63' automatically.)

On 6/8/22, 6:22 AM, "Thomas Munro" <thomas.mu...@gmail.com> wrote:

    postgres=# create collation icu63."en-US-x-icu" (provider = icu,
    locale = 'libicui18n.so.63:en-US');

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