On 24/6/2022 23:43, Leif Harald Karlsen wrote:
Thank you for the quick answer, and for the pointer to the patch! This looks like just the thing I need! On a more general note: What would, in general, be the best way to implement such optimizations? Is there a good way to do this as an extension, or is a patch the preferred way?
According to my experience, it depends on your needings.
For example, self-join-removal feature, or my current project - flattening of nested subqueries - is much more optimal to implement as a patch, because you can do it so early as possible and can generalize parts of the core code and thus, reduce size of your code a lot. But if you want to use your code with many PG versions, even already working in production or you make just a research, without immediate practical result - your choice is an extension.

Andrey Lepikhov
Postgres Professional

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