On Tue, Jul 19, 2022 at 4:35 PM Kyotaro Horiguchi
<horikyota....@gmail.com> wrote:

Thank you for the comments!

> At Tue, 19 Jul 2022 10:17:15 +0530, Amit Kapila <amit.kapil...@gmail.com> 
> wrote in
> > Good work. I wonder without comments this may create a problem in the
> > future. OTOH, I don't see adding a check "catchange.xcnt > 0" before
> > freeing the memory any less robust. Also, for consistency, we can use
> > a similar check based on xcnt in the SnapBuildRestore to free the
> > memory in the below code:
> > + /* set catalog modifying transactions */
> > + if (builder->catchange.xip)
> > + pfree(builder->catchange.xip);
> But xip must be positive there.  We can add a comment explains that.

Yes, if we add the comment for it, probably we need to explain a gcc's
optimization but it seems to be too much to me.

> +        * Array of transactions and subtransactions that had modified 
> catalogs
> +        * and were running when the snapshot was serialized.
> +        *
> +        * We normally rely on HEAP2_NEW_CID and XLOG_XACT_INVALIDATIONS 
> records to
> +        * know if the transaction has changed the catalog. But it could 
> happen that
> +        * the logical decoding decodes only the commit record of the 
> transaction.
> +        * This array keeps track of the transactions that have modified 
> catalogs
> (Might be only me, but) "track" makes me think that xids are added and
> removed by activities. On the other hand the array just remembers
> catalog-modifying xids in the last life until the all xids in the list
> gone.
> +        * and were running when serializing a snapshot, and this array is 
> used to
> +        * add such transactions to the snapshot.
> +        *
> +        * This array is set once when restoring the snapshot, xids are 
> removed
> (So I want to add "only" between "are removed").
> +        * from the array when decoding xl_running_xacts record, and then 
> eventually
> +        * becomes empty.

Agreed. WIll fix.

> +       catchange_xip = ReorderBufferGetCatalogChangesXacts(builder->reorder);
> catchange_xip is allocated in the current context, but ondisk is
> allocated in builder->context.  I see it kind of inconsistent (even if
> the current context is same with build->context).

Right. I thought that since the lifetime of catchange_xip is short,
until the end of SnapBuildSerialize() function we didn't need to
allocate it in builder->context. But given ondisk, we need to do that
for catchange_xip as well. Will fix it.

> +       if (builder->committed.xcnt > 0)
> +       {
> It seems to me comitted.xip is always non-null, so we don't need this.
> I don't strongly object to do that, though.

But committed.xcnt could be 0, right? We don't need to copy anything
by calling memcpy with size = 0 in this case. Also, it looks more
consistent with what we do for catchange_xcnt.

> -        * Remove TXN from its containing list.
> +        * Remove TXN from its containing lists.
> The comment body only describes abut txn->nodes. I think we need to
> add that for catchange_node.

Will add.

> +       Assert((xcnt > 0) && (xcnt == rb->catchange_ntxns));
> (xcnt > 0) is obvious here (otherwise means dlist_foreach is broken..).
> (xcnt == rb->catchange_ntxns) is not what should be checked here. The
> assert just requires that catchange_txns and catchange_ntxns are
> consistent so it should be checked just after dlist_empty.. I think.

If we want to check if catchange_txns and catchange_ntxns are
consistent, should we check (xcnt == rb->catchange_ntxns) as well, no?
This function requires the caller to use rb->catchange_ntxns as the
length of the returned array. I think this assertion ensures that the
actual length of the array is consistent with the length we


Masahiko Sawada
EDB:  https://www.enterprisedb.com/

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