Sorry, by accident I sent this one out twice.

David Geier

On Wed, Jul 27, 2022 at 2:42 PM David Geier <> wrote:

> Hi hackers,
> We came across a slowdown in planning, where queries use tables with many
> indexes. In setups with wide tables it is not uncommon to have easily
> 10-100 indexes on a single table. The slowdown is already visible in serial
> workloads with just a handful of indexes, but gets drastically amplified
> when running queries with more indexes in parallel at high throughput.
> We measured the TPS and planning time of running parallel streams of
> simple point look-up queries on a single empty table with 60 columns and 60
> indexes. The query used is 'SELECT * FROM synth_table WHERE col5 = 42'. No
> rows are returned because the table is empty. We used a machine with 64
> physical CPU cores. The schema and sysbench script to reproduce these
> numbers are attached. We used the TPS as reported by sysbench and obtained
> planning time by running 'EXPLAIN ANALYZE' on the same query in a
> separately opened connection. We averaged the planning time of 3 successive
> 'EXPLAIN ANALYZE' runs. sysbench ran on the same machine with varying
> numbers of threads using the following command line:
> sysbench repro.lua --db-driver=pgsql --pgsql-host=localhost
> --pgsql-db=postgres --pgsql-port=? --pgsql-user=? --pgsql-password=?
> --report-interval=1 --threads=64 run
> The following table shows the results. It is clearly visible that the TPS
> flatten out already at 8 parallel streams, while the planning time is
> increasing drastically.
> Parallel streams | TPS (before) | Planning time (before)
> -----------------|--------------|-----------------------
> 1                |  5,486       | 0.13 ms
> 2                |  8,098       | 0.22 ms
> 4                | 15,013       | 0.19 ms
> 8                | 27,107       | 0.29 ms
> 16               | 30,938       | 0.43 ms
> 32               | 26,330       | 1.68 ms
> 64               | 24,314       | 2.48 ms
> We tracked down the root cause of this slowdown to lock contention in
> 'get_relation_info()'. The index lock of every single index of every single
> table used in that query is acquired. We attempted a fix by pre-filtering
> out all indexes that anyways cannot be used with a certain query, without
> taking the index locks (credits to Luc Vlaming for idea and
> implementation). The patch does so by caching the columns present in every
> index, inside 'struct Relation', similarly to 'rd_indexlist'. Then, before
> opening (= locking) the indexes in 'get_relation_info()', we check if the
> index can actually contribute to the query and if not it is discarded right
> away. Caching the index info saves considerable work for every query run
> subsequently, because less indexes must be inspected and thereby locked.
> This way we also save cycles in any code that later on goes over all
> relation indexes.
> The work-in-progress version of the patch is attached. It is still fairly
> rough (e.g. uses a global variable, selects the best index in scans without
> restrictions by column count instead of physical column size, is missing
> some renaming, etc.), but shows the principle.
> The following table shows the TPS, planning time and speed-ups after
> applying the patch and rerunning above described benchmark. Now, the
> planning time remains roughly constant and TPS roughly doubles each time
> the number of parallel streams is doubled. The higher the stream count the
> more severe the lock contention is and the more pronounced the gained
> speed-up gets. Interestingly, even for a single query stream the speed-up
> in planning time is already very significant. This applies also for lower
> index counts. For example just with 10 indexes the TPS for a single query
> stream goes from 9,159 to 12,558. We can do more measurements if there is
> interest in details for a lower number of indexes.
> Parallel streams | TPS (after) | Planning time (after) | Speed-up TPS |
> Speed-up planning
> -----------------|-------------|-----------------------|--------------|------------------
> 1                |  10,344     | 0.046                 |  1.9x        |
>  2.8x
> 2                |  20,140     | 0.045 ms              |  2.5x        |
>  4.9x
> 4                |  40,349     | 0.047 ms              |  2.7x        |
>  4.0x
> 8                |  80,121     | 0.046 ms              |  3.0x        |
>  6.3x
> 16               | 152,632     | 0.051 ms              |  4.9x        |
>  8.4x
> 32               | 301,359     | 0.052 ms              | 11.4x        |
> 32.3x
> 64               | 525,115     | 0.062 ms              | 21.6x        |
> 40.0x
> We are happy to receive your feedback and polish up the patch.
> --
> David Geier
> (ServiceNow)

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