
There are two ways in which a role can exercise the privileges of some
other role which has been granted to it. First, it can implicitly
inherit the privileges of the granted role. Second, it can assume the
identity of the granted role using the SET ROLE command. It is
possible to control the former behavior, but not the latter. In v15
and prior release, we had a role-level [NO]INHERIT property which
controlled whether a role automatically inherited the privileges of
any role granted to it. This was all-or-nothing. Beginning in
e3ce2de09d814f8770b2e3b3c152b7671bcdb83f, the inheritance behavior of
role-grants can be overridden for individual grants, so that some
grants are inherited and others are not. However, there is no similar
facility for controlling whether a role can SET ROLE to some other
role of which it is a member. At present, if role A is a member of
role B, then A can SET ROLE B, and that's it.

In some circumstances, it may be desirable to control this behavior.
For example, if we GRANT pg_read_all_settings TO seer, we do want the
seer to be able to read all the settings, else we would not have
granted the role. But we might not want the seer to be able to do

You are now connected to database "rhaas" as user "seer".
rhaas=> set role pg_read_all_settings;
rhaas=> create table artifact (a int);
rhaas=> \d
                List of relations
 Schema |   Name   | Type  |        Owner
 public | artifact | table | pg_read_all_settings
(1 row)

I have attached a rather small patch which makes it possible to
control this behavior:

You are now connected to database "rhaas" as user "rhaas".
rhaas=# grant pg_read_all_settings to seer with set false;
rhaas=# \c - seer
You are now connected to database "rhaas" as user "seer".
rhaas=> set role pg_read_all_settings;
ERROR:  permission denied to set role "pg_read_all_settings"

I think that this behavior is generally useful, and not just for the
predefined roles that we ship as part of PostgreSQL. I don't think
it's too hard to imagine someone wanting to use some locally created
role as a container for privileges but not wanting the users who
possess this role to run around creating new objects owned by it. To
some extent that can be controlled by making sure the role in question
doesn't have any excess privileges, but that's not really sufficient:
all you need is one schema anywhere in the system that grants CREATE
to PUBLIC. You could avoid creating such a schema, which might be a
good idea for other reasons anyway, but it feels like approaching the
problem from the wrong end. What you really want is to allow the users
to inherit the privileges of the role but not use SET ROLE to become
that role, so that's what this patch lets you do.

There's one other kind of case in which this sort of thing might be
somewhat useful, although it's more dubious. Suppose you have an
oncall group where you regularly add and remove members according to
who is on call. Naturally, you have an on-call bot which performs this
task automatically. The on-call bot has the ability to manage
memberships in the oncall group, but should not have the ability to
access any of its privileges, either by inheritance or via SET ROLE.
This patch KIND OF lets you accomplish this:

rhaas=# create role oncall;
rhaas=# create role oncallbot login;
rhaas=# grant oncall to oncallbot with inherit false, set false, admin true;
rhaas=# create role anna;
rhaas=# create role eliza;
rhaas=# \c - oncallbot
You are now connected to database "rhaas" as user "oncallbot".
rhaas=> grant oncall to anna;
rhaas=> revoke oncall from anna;
rhaas=> grant oncall to eliza;
rhaas=> set role oncall;
ERROR:  permission denied to set role "oncall"

The problem here is that if a nasty evil hacker takes over the
oncallbot role, nothing whatsoever prevents them from executing "grant
oncall to oncallbot with set true" after which they can then "SET ROLE
oncall" using the privileges they just granted themselves. And even if
under some theory we blocked that, they could still maliciously grant
the sought-after on-call privileges to some other role i.e. "grant
oncall to accomplice". It's fundamentally difficult to allow people to
administer a set of privileges without giving them the ability to
usurp those privileges, and I wouldn't like to pretend that this patch
is in any way sufficient to accomplish such a thing. Nevertheless, I
think there's some chance it might be useful to someone building such
a system, in combination with other safeguards. Or maybe not: this
isn't the main reason I'm interested in this, and it's just an added
benefit if it turns out that someone can do something like this with

In order to apply this patch, we'd need to reach a conclusion about
the matters mentioned in
-- and thinking about this patch might shed some light on what we'd
want to do over there.

Robert Haas
EDB: http://www.enterprisedb.com

Attachment: v1-0001-Add-a-SET-option-to-the-GRANT-command.patch
Description: Binary data

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