On Tue, Aug 02, 2022 at 12:50:43PM -0500, Justin Pryzby wrote:
> Also, if I understand correctly, this patch seems to assume that nobody is
> connected to the source database.  But what's actually enforced is just that
> nobody *else* is connected.  Is it any issue that the current DB can be used 
> as
> a source?  Anyway, both of the above problems are reproducible using a
> different database.
> |postgres=# CREATE DATABASE new TEMPLATE postgres STRATEGY wal_log;

On Thu, Aug 04, 2022 at 05:16:04PM -0500, Justin Pryzby wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 04, 2022 at 06:02:50PM -0400, Tom Lane wrote:
> > The "invalidation" comment bothered me for awhile, but I think it's
> > fine: we know that no other backend can connect to the source DB
> > because we have it locked,
> About that - is it any problem that the currently-connected db can be used as 
> a
> template?  It's no issue for 2-phase commit, because "create database" cannot
> run in an txn.

Would anybody want to comment on this ?
Is it okay that the *current* DB can be used as a template ?

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