On Fri, Sep 9, 2022 at 11:11 AM Justin Pryzby <pry...@telsasoft.com> wrote:
> > It might make sense to *always* show how close we were to hitting each
> > of the thresholds, including the ones that we didn't end up hitting
> > (we may come pretty close quite often, which seems like it might
> > matter). But showing multiple conditions together just because the
> > planets aligned (we hit multiple thresholds together) emphasizes the
> > low-level mechanism, which is pretty far removed from anything that
> > matters. You might as well pick either threshold at random once this
> > happens -- even an expert won't be able to tell the difference.
> I don't have strong feelings about it; I'm just pointing out that the
> two of the conditions aren't actually exclusive.

Fair enough. I'm just pointing out that the cutoffs are continuous for
all practical purposes, even if there are cases where they seem kind
of discrete, due only to implementation details (e.g.
autovacuum_naptime stuff). Displaying only one reason for triggering
an autovacuum is consistent with the idea that the cutoffs are
continuous. It's not literally true that they're continuous, but it
might as well be.

I think of it as similar to how it's not literally true that a coin
toss is always either heads or tails, though it might as well be true.
Sure, even a standard fair coin toss might result in the coin landing
on its side. That'll probably never happen even once, but if does:
just flip the coin again! The physical coin toss was never the
important part.

> It seems like it could be less confusing to show both.  Consider someone who 
> is
> trying to *reduce* how often autovacuum runs, or give priority to some tables
> by raising the thresholds for other tables.

My objection to that sort of approach is that it suggests a difference
in what each VACUUM actually does -- as if autovacuum.c actually
decided on a particular runtime behavior for the VACUUM up front,
based on its own considerations that come from statistics about the
workload. I definitely want to avoid creating that false impression in
the minds of users.

Peter Geoghegan

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