
> On 10 Sep 2022, at 07:38, Lev Kokotov <l...@hyperparam.ai> wrote:
> Are there any plans or thoughts about adding support for other languages than 
> C into Postgres, namely Rust? I would love to hack on some features but I 
> worry somewhat that the C compiler won't give me enough hints that I'm doing 
> something wrong, and the Rust compiler has been excellent at preventing bugs.

You can write Postgres extensions in Rust. And Postgres extensions are really 
powerful. What kind of features are you interested in?

Undoubtedly, attracting Rust folks to contribute Postgres could be a good 
Yet some very simple questions arise.
1. Is Rust compatible with Memory Contexts and shared memory constructs of 
Postgres? With elog error reporting, PG_TRY() and his friends?
2. Does Rust support same set of platforms as Postgres? Quick glance at Build 
Farm can give an impression of what is supported by Postgres[0].
3. Do we gain anything besides compiler hints? Postgres development is hard due 
to interference of complex subsystems. It will be even harder if those systems 
will be implemented in different languages.

Probably, answers to all these questions are obvious to Rust pros. I just think 
this can be of interest to someone new to Rust (like me).

Best regards, Andrey Borodin.

[0] https://buildfarm.postgresql.org/cgi-bin/show_members.pl

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