
On Mon, Sep 12, 2022 at 02:16:56PM +0000, Jelte Fennema wrote:
> Attached is an updated patch with the following changes:
> 1. rebased (including solved merge conflict)
> 2. fixed failing tests in CI
> 3. changed the commit message a little bit
> 4. addressed the two remarks from Micheal
> 5. changed the prng_state from a global to a connection level value for 
> thread-safety
> 6. use pg_prng_uint64_range

I tested this some more, and found it somewhat surprising that at least
when looking at it on a microscopic level, some hosts are chosen more
often than the others for a while.

I basically ran 

while true; do psql -At "host=pg1,pg2,pg3 load_balance_hosts=1" -c
"SELECT inet_server_addr()"; sleep 1; done

and the initial output was:

I.e. the second host (pg2/ was only hit after 19 iterations.

Once significantly more than a hundred iterations are run, the hosts
somewhat even out, but it is maybe suprising to users:

               50   100   250   500   1000   10000       9    24    77   165    328    3317     25    42    88   178    353    3372     16    34    85   157    319    3311

Or maybe my test setup is skewed? When I choose a two seconds timeout
between psql calls, I get a more even distribution initially, but it
then diverges after 100 iterations:

               50   100   250    500   1000      19    36    98    199    374     13    33    80    150    285     18    31    72    151    341 

Could just be bad luck...

I also switch one host to have two IP addresses in /etc/hosts: pg1  pg1 pg3

And this resulted in this (one second timeout again):

First run:

               50   100   250    500   1000      10    18    56    120    255     14    30    67    139    278     26    52   127    241    467    

Second run:

               50   100   250    500   1000      20    31    77    138    265      9    20    52    116    245     21    49   121    246    490     

So it looks like it load-balances between pg1 and pg3, and not between
the three IPs -  is this expected?

If I switch from "host=pg1,pg3" to "host=pg1,pg1,pg3", each IP adress is
hit roughly equally.

So I guess this is how it should work, but in that case I think the
documentation should be more explicit about what is to be expected if a
host has multiple IP addresses or hosts are specified multiple times in
the connection string.

> > Maybe my imagination is not so great, but what else than hosts could we
> > possibly load-balance? I don't mind calling it load_balance, but I also
> > don't feel very strongly one way or the other and this is clearly
> > bikeshed territory.
> I agree, which is why I called it load_balance in my original patch.
> But I also think it's useful to match the naming for the already
> existing implementations in the PG ecosystem around this. 
> But like you I don't really feel strongly either way. It's a tradeoff
> between short name and consistency in the ecosystem.

I don't think consistency is an extremely valid concern. As a
counterpoint, pgJDBC had targetServerType some time before Postgres, and
the libpq parameter was then named somewhat differently when it was
introduced, namely target_session_attrs.

> > If I understand correctly, you've added DNS-based load balancing on top
> > of just shuffling the provided hostnames.  This makes sense if a
> > hostname is backed by more than one IP address in the context of load
> > balancing, but it also complicates the patch. So I'm wondering how much
> > shorter the patch would be if you leave that out for now?
> Yes, that's correct and indeed the patch would be simpler without, i.e. all 
> the
> addrinfo changes would become unnecessary. But IMHO the behaviour of 
> the added option would be very unexpected if it didn't load balance across
> multiple IPs in a DNS record. libpq currently makes no real distinction in 
> handling of provided hosts and handling of their resolved IPs. If load 
> balancing
> would only apply to the host list that would start making a distinction
> between the two.

Fair enough, I agree.
> Apart from that the load balancing across IPs is one of the main reasons
> for my interest in this patch. The reason is that it allows expanding or 
> reducing
> the number of nodes that are being load balanced across transparently to the
> application. Which means that there's no need to re-deploy applications with 
> new connection strings when changing the number hosts.

That's a good point as well.
> > On the other hand, I believe pgJDBC keeps track of which hosts are up or
> > down and only load balances among the ones which are up (maybe
> > rechecking after a timeout? I don't remember), is this something you're
> > doing, or did you consider it?
> I don't think it's possible to do this in libpq without huge changes to its
> architecture, since normally a connection will only a PGconn will only
> create a single connection. The reason pgJDBC can do this is because
> it's actually a connection pooler, so it will open more than one connection 
> and can thus keep some global state about the different hosts.



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