(RMT hat on, unless otherwise noted)

On 9/20/22 9:42 AM, Robert Haas wrote:
On Mon, Sep 19, 2022 at 11:03 PM Jonathan S. Katz <jk...@postgresql.org> wrote:
For #1 (allowing calls that have schema/table overlap...), there appears
to be both a patch that allows this (reversing[8]), and a suggestion for
dealing with a corner-case that is reasonable, i.e. disallowing adding
schemas to a publication when specifying column-lists. Do we think we
can have consensus on this prior to the RC1 freeze?

I am not sure whether we can or should rush a fix in that fast, but I
agree with this direction.

The RMT met today to discuss this.

We did agree that the above is an open item that should be resolved before this release. While it is an accepted pattern for us to "ERROR" on unsupported behavior and then later introduce said behavior, we do agree with Peter's original post in this thread and would like it resolved.

As for the state of the fix, the patch has been iterated on and Amit felt ready to commit it[1]. We do want to hear how others feel about this, but the folks behind this feature have been working on this patch since this was reported.

For #2 ("ALL TABLES IN SCHEMA" syntax), this was heavily discussed on
the original thread[1][3][4][5][7]. I thought Tom's proposal on the
syntax[3] was reasonable as it "future proofs" for when we allow other
schema-scoped objects to be published and give control over which ones
can be published.

All right, well, I still don't like it and think it's confusing, but
perhaps I'm in the minority.

The RMT discussed this as well. The RMT feels that there should not be any changes to syntax/behavior for this release. This doesn't preclude future work in this area (e.g. having a toggle for "all future behavior"), but based on all the discussions and existing behavior in this feature, we do not see a need to make changes or delay the release on this.

I don't think we should change this behavior that's already in logical
replication. While I understand the reasons why "GRANT ... ALL TABLES IN
SCHEMA" has a different behavior (i.e. it's not applied to future
objects) and do not advocate to change it, I have personally been
affected where I thought a permission would be applied to all future
objects, only to discover otherwise. I believe it's more intuitive to
think that "ALL" applies to "everything, always."

Nah, there's room for multiple behaviors here. It's reasonable to want
to add all the tables currently in the schema to a publication (or
grant permissions on them) and it's reasonable to want to include all
current and future tables in the schema in a publication (or grant
permissions on them) too. The reason I don't like the ALL TABLES IN
SCHEMA syntax is that it sounds like the former, but actually is the
latter. Based on your link to the email from Tom, I understand now the
reason why it's like that, but it's still counterintuitive to me.

I understand your view on "multiple behaviors" and I do agree with your reasoning. I still think we should leave this as is, but perhaps this opens up an option we add later to specify the behavior.

For #3 (more superuser-only), in general I do agree that we shouldn't be
adding more of these. However, we have in this release, and not just to
this feature. ALTER SUBSCRIPTION ... SKIP[11] requires superuser. I
think it's easier for us to "relax" privileges (e.g. w/predefined roles)
than to make something "superuser-only" in the future, so I don't see
this being a blocker for v15. The feature will continue to work for
users even if we remove "superuser-only" in the future.

Yeah, this is clearly not a release blocker, I think.

The RMT concurs. We do recommend future work on "relaxing" the superuser-only requirement.



[1] https://www.postgresql.org/message-id/CAA4eK1LDhoBM8K5uVme8PZ%2BkxNOfVpRh%3DoO42JtFdqBgBuj1bA%40mail.gmail.com

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