> The most concrete example I can see is with the OAUTHBEARER error
> response. If you want to eventually handle differing scopes per role,
> or different error statuses (which the proof-of-concept currently
> hardcodes as `invalid_token`), then the client can't assume it knows
> what the server is going to say there. I think that's true even if you
> control both sides and are hardcoding the provider.

Ok, I see the point. It's related to the topic of communication
between libpq and the upstream client.

> How should we communicate those pieces to a custom client when it's
> passing a token directly? The easiest way I can see is for the custom
> client to speak the OAUTHBEARER protocol directly (e.g. SASL plugin).
> If you had to parse the libpq error message, I don't think that'd be
> particularly maintainable.

I agree that parsing the message is not a sustainable way.
Could you provide more details on the SASL plugin approach you propose?

Specifically, is this basically a set of extension hooks for the client
With the need for the client to be compiled with the plugins based on
the set of providers it needs.

> Well... I don't quite understand why we'd go to the trouble of
> providing a provider-agnostic communication solution only to have
> everyone write their own provider-specific client support. Unless
> you're saying Microsoft would provide an officially blessed plugin for
> the *server* side only, and Google would provide one of their own, and
> so on.

Yes, via extensions. Identity providers can open source extensions to
use their auth services outside of first party PaaS offerings.
For 3rd party Postgres PaaS or on premise deployments.

> The server side authorization is the only place where I think it makes
> sense to specialize by default. libpq should remain agnostic, with the
> understanding that we'll need to make hard decisions when a major
> provider decides not to follow a spec.

Completely agree with agnostic libpq. Though needs validation with
several major providers to know if this is possible.

> Specifically it delivers that message to an end user. If you want a
> generic machine client to be able to use that, then we'll need to talk
> about how.

Yes, that's what needs to be decided.
In both Device code and Authorization code scenarios, libpq and the
client would need to exchange a couple of pieces of metadata.
Plus, after success, the client should be able to access a refresh token
for further use.

Can we implement a generic protocol like for this between libpq and the

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