On Tue, Oct 4, 2022 at 10:39 AM Jeff Davis <pg...@j-davis.com> wrote:
> On Mon, 2022-10-03 at 22:45 -0700, Peter Geoghegan wrote:
> > Once a table becomes larger than vacuum_freeze_strategy_threshold,
> > VACUUM stops marking pages all-visible in the first place,
> > consistently marking them all-frozen instead.
> What are the trade-offs here? Why does it depend on table size?

That's a great question. The table-level threshold
vacuum_freeze_strategy_threshold more or less buckets every table into
one of two categories: small tables and big tables. Perhaps this seems
simplistic to you. That would be an understandable reaction, given the
central importance of this threshold. The current default of 4GB could
have easily been 8GB or perhaps even 16GB instead.

It's not so much size as the rate of growth over time that matters. We
really want to do eager freezing on "growth tables", particularly
append-only tables. On the other hand we don't want to do useless
freezing on small, frequently updated tables, like pgbench_tellers or
pgbench_branches -- those tables may well require zero freezing, and
yet each VACUUM will advance relfrozenxid to a very recent value
consistently (even on Postgres 15). But "growth" is hard to capture,
because in general we have to infer things about the future from the
past, which is difficult and messy.

Since it's hard to capture "growth table vs fixed size table"
directly, we use table size as a proxy. It's far from perfect, but I
think that it will work quite well in practice because most individual
tables simply never get very large. It's very common for a relatively
small number of tables to consistently grow, without bound (perhaps
not strictly append-only tables, but tables where nothing is ever
deleted and inserts keep happening). So a simplistic threshold
(combined with dynamic per-page decisions about freezing) should be
enough to avoid most of the downside of eager freezing. In particular,
we will still freeze lazily in tables where it's obviously very
unlikely to be worth it.

In general I think that being correct on average is overrated. It's
more important to always avoid being dramatically wrong -- especially
if there is no way to course correct in the next VACUUM. Although I
think that we have a decent chance of coming out ahead by every
available metric, that isn't really the goal. Why should performance
stability not have some cost, at least in some cases? I want to keep
the cost as low as possible (often "negative cost" relative to
Postgres 15), but overall I am consciously making a trade-off. There
are downsides.

Peter Geoghegan

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