> On 6 Nov 2022, at 09:48, Daniel Westermann (DWE) 
> <daniel.westerm...@dbi-services.com> wrote:

> as I've just upgraded an instance which contained tables "WITH OIDS" I wonder 
> if it would make sense if pg_upgrade directly creates a script to fix those. 
> I know it is easy to that with e.g. sed over tables_with_oids.txt but it 
> would be more convenient to have the script generated directly.

For the checks on the old system we don't generate any scripts, only reports of
problems.  I don't recall the reasoning but I would assume it stems from some
checks being up to the user to deal with, no one-size-fits-all script is
possible.  Having them all generate reports rather than scripts makes that
consistent across the old checks.

In this particular case we probably could safely make a script, but if we we'd
need to expand testing to validate it etc so I'm not sure it's worth it.

Daniel Gustafsson               https://vmware.com/

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