On Wed, Nov 23, 2022 at 1:40 AM Stavros Koureas
<koureasstav...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Reading more carefully what you described, I think you are interested in 
> getting something you call origin from publishers, probably some metadata 
> from the publications.
> This identifier in those metadata maybe does not have business value on the 
> reporting side. The idea is to use a value which has specific meaning to the 
> user at the end.
> For example assigning 1 for tenant 1, 2 for tenant 2 and so one, at the end 
> based on a dimension table which holds this mapping the user would be able to 
> filter the data. So programmatically the user can set the id value of the 
> column plus creating the mapping table from an application let’s say and be 
> able to distinguish the data.

In your example, are different tenants represent different publisher
nodes? If so, why can't we have a predefined column and value for the
required tables on each publisher rather than logical replication
generate that value while replicating data?

With Regards,
Amit Kapila.

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