
In EXPLAIN (BUFFERS), there are two kinds of cache misses that show up
as "reads" when in fact they are not reads at all:

1.  Relation extension, which in fact writes a zero-filled block.
2.  The RBM_ZERO_* modes, which provoke neither read nor write.

Here's a suggested fix.

I noticed this because I have some patches in development that hit
these cases a bit more and the numbers didn't match my expectation.  I
suppose someone might want a separate counter for zero-filled buffers
(they're still buffer interactions and cache misses) but it seems like
it's probably below the kind of thing we're interested in counting
(though in passing, I notice recently that some kernels keep some free
pages pre-zeroed so they can supply them faster, which is curious).

Thomas Munro

Attachment: 0001-Don-t-count-zero-filled-buffers-as-read-in-EXPLAIN.patch
Description: Binary data

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