On Fri, Dec 02, 2022 at 04:15:10PM +0000, gkokola...@pm.me wrote:
> You are very correct. However one can glob after the fact. Please find
> 0001 of the attached v14 which attempts to implement it.

+       if ($pgdump_runs{$run}->{glob_pattern})
+       {
+               my $glob_pattern = $pgdump_runs{$run}->{glob_pattern};
+               my @glob_output = glob($glob_pattern);
+               is(scalar(@glob_output) > 0, 1, "glob pattern matched")
+       }

While this is correct in checking that the contents are compressed
under --with-zlib, this also removes the coverage where we make sure
that this command is able to complete under --without-zlib without
compressing any of the table data files.  Hence my point from
upthread: this test had better not use compile_option, but change
glob_pattern depending on if the build uses zlib or not.

In order to check this behavior with defaults_custom_format, perhaps
we could just remove the -Z6 from it or add an extra command for its
default behavior?

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