
I was looking at the commitfest entry for this patch [1] as it's been dormant
for quite a while, with the intent of returning it with feedback.

[1] https://commitfest.postgresql.org/40/3835/

2022年8月25日(木) 16:52 Dong Wook Lee <sh95...@gmail.com>:
> On Tue, Aug 23, 2022 at 11:37 AM Michael Paquier <mich...@paquier.xyz> wrote:
> > It seems to me that checking that the contents generated are valid is
> > equally necessary.  We do that with zlib with gzip --test, and you
> > could use ${ZSTD} in the context of this test.
> Thank you for the good points.
> I supplemented the test according to your suggestion.
> However, there was a problem.
> Even though I did export ZSTD on the Makefile , the test runner can't
> find ZSTD when it actually tests.
> ```
> my $zstd = $ENV{ZSTD};
> skip "program zstd is not found in your system", 1
>   if (!defined $zstd
>     || $zstd eq '');
> ```
> log: regress_log_010_pg_basebackup
> ```
> ok 183 # skip program zstd is not found in your system.
> ```
> Could you check if I missed anything?

Taking a quick look at the patch itself, as-is it does actually work; maybe
 the zstd binary itself was missing or not in the normal system path?
 It might not have been installed even if the devel library was (IIRC
 this was the case on Rocky Linux).

However the code largely duplicates the preceding gzip test,
 and as Michael mentioned there's still lz4 without coverage.
Attached patch refactors this part of the test so it can be used
for multiple compression methods, similar to the test in
src/bin/pg_verifybackup/t/009_extract.pl mentioned by Robert.
The difference to that test is that we can exercise all the
command line options and directly check the generated files with
the respective binary.

Though on reflection maybe it's overkill and the existing tests
suffice. Anyway leaving the patch here in the interests of pushing
this forward in some direction.


Ian Barwick
From 73bf5fe94534563de64b77f74930a40823bdb875 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Ian Barwick <barw...@gmail.com>
Date: Sat, 3 Dec 2022 13:09:15 +0900
Subject: [PATCH v3] pg_basebackup: refactor compression tests

This adds coverage for zstd and lz4 compression methods, and provides
infrastructure to easily add tests for additional options or new
compression methods.

Based on an earlier patch by Dong Wook Lee <sh95...@gmail.com>.
 src/bin/pg_basebackup/Makefile               |   1 +
 src/bin/pg_basebackup/t/010_pg_basebackup.pl | 204 +++++++++++++------
 2 files changed, 148 insertions(+), 57 deletions(-)

diff --git a/src/bin/pg_basebackup/Makefile b/src/bin/pg_basebackup/Makefile
index 0035ebcef5..9cf092f574 100644
--- a/src/bin/pg_basebackup/Makefile
+++ b/src/bin/pg_basebackup/Makefile
@@ -21,6 +21,7 @@ include $(top_builddir)/src/Makefile.global
 # make these available to TAP test scripts
 export LZ4
 export TAR
+export ZSTD
 # Note that GZIP cannot be used directly as this environment variable is
 # used by the command "gzip" to pass down options, so stick with a different
 # name.
diff --git a/src/bin/pg_basebackup/t/010_pg_basebackup.pl b/src/bin/pg_basebackup/t/010_pg_basebackup.pl
index bcc3dd5f0b..c9382451c4 100644
--- a/src/bin/pg_basebackup/t/010_pg_basebackup.pl
+++ b/src/bin/pg_basebackup/t/010_pg_basebackup.pl
@@ -815,66 +815,156 @@ rmtree("$tempdir/backup_corrupt4");
 $node->safe_psql('postgres', "DROP TABLE corrupt1;");
 $node->safe_psql('postgres', "DROP TABLE corrupt2;");
-note "Testing pg_basebackup with compression methods";
-# Check ZLIB compression if available.
-	skip "postgres was not built with ZLIB support", 7
-	  if (!check_pg_config("#define HAVE_LIBZ 1"));
+# Verify available compression methods and options
+my @compression_methods = (
+    # ZLIB
+    {
+        'compression_method' => 'ZLIB',
+        'enabled'            => check_pg_config('#define HAVE_LIBZ 1'),
+        'executable'         => $ENV{GZIP_PROGRAM},
+        'expected_files'     => ['base.tar.gz', 'pg_wal.tar.gz'],
+        'backup_flags' => [
+            ['--compress', '1'],
+            ['--gzip'],
+            ['--compress', 'gzip:1'],
+        ],
+    },
+    # ZSTD
+    {
+        'compression_method' => 'ZSTD',
+        'enabled'            => check_pg_config('#define USE_ZSTD 1'),
+        'expected_files'     => ['base.tar.zst'],
+        'executable'         => $ENV{ZSTD},
+        'backup_flags' => [
+            ['--compress', 'zstd'],
+            ['--compress', 'server-zstd'],
+            ['--compress', 'server-zstd:1'],
+            ['--compress', 'server-zstd:level=2'],
+            ['--compress', 'client-zstd'],
+            ['--compress', 'client-zstd:1'],
+            ['--compress', 'client-zstd:level=2'],
+            # These might fail if the available zstd does not support multiple workers
+            ['--compress', 'server-zstd:workers=2'],
+            ['--compress', 'server-zstd:workers=2,level=2'],
+            ['--compress', 'client-zstd:workers=2'],
+            ['--compress', 'client-zstd:workers=2,level=2'],
+        ],
+        'possibly_unsupported' => qr/could not set compression worker count to \d*: Unsupported parameter/
+    },
+    # LZ4
+    {
+        'compression_method' => 'LZ4',
+        'enabled'            => check_pg_config('#define USE_LZ4 1'),
+        'expected_files'     => ['base.tar.lz4'],
+        'executable'         => $ENV{LZ4},
+        'backup_flags' => [
+            ['--compress', 'lz4'],
+            ['--compress', 'server-lz4'],
+            ['--compress', 'server-lz4:1'],
+            ['--compress', 'server-lz4:level=2'],
+            ['--compress', 'client-lz4'],
+            ['--compress', 'client-lz4:1'],
+            ['--compress', 'client-lz4:level=2'],
+        ],
+    },
-	$node->command_ok(
-		[
-			@pg_basebackup_defs,    '-D',
-			"$tempdir/backup_gzip", '--compress',
-			'1',                    '--format',
-			't'
-		],
-		'pg_basebackup with --compress');
-	$node->command_ok(
-		[
-			@pg_basebackup_defs,     '-D',
-			"$tempdir/backup_gzip2", '--gzip',
-			'--format',              't'
-		],
-		'pg_basebackup with --gzip');
-	$node->command_ok(
-		[
-			@pg_basebackup_defs,     '-D',
-			"$tempdir/backup_gzip3", '--compress',
-			'gzip:1',                '--format',
-			't'
-		],
-		'pg_basebackup with --compress=gzip:1');
-	# Verify that the stored files are generated with their expected
-	# names.
-	my @zlib_files = glob "$tempdir/backup_gzip/*.tar.gz";
-	is(scalar(@zlib_files), 2,
-		"two files created with --compress=NUM (base.tar.gz and pg_wal.tar.gz)"
-	);
-	my @zlib_files2 = glob "$tempdir/backup_gzip2/*.tar.gz";
-	is(scalar(@zlib_files2), 2,
-		"two files created with --gzip (base.tar.gz and pg_wal.tar.gz)");
-	my @zlib_files3 = glob "$tempdir/backup_gzip3/*.tar.gz";
-	is(scalar(@zlib_files3), 2,
-		"two files created with --compress=gzip:NUM (base.tar.gz and pg_wal.tar.gz)"
-	);
-	# Check the integrity of the files generated.
-	my $gzip = $ENV{GZIP_PROGRAM};
-	skip "program gzip is not found in your system", 1
-	  if (!defined $gzip
-		|| $gzip eq '');
-	my $gzip_is_valid =
-	  system_log($gzip, '--test', @zlib_files, @zlib_files2, @zlib_files3);
-	is($gzip_is_valid, 0, "gzip verified the integrity of compressed data");
-	rmtree("$tempdir/backup_gzip");
-	rmtree("$tempdir/backup_gzip2");
-	rmtree("$tempdir/backup_gzip3");
+foreach my $method_test ( @compression_methods ) {
+    my $method = $method_test->{'compression_method'};
+    note "Testing pg_basebackup with compression method $method";
+  SKIP:
+    {
+        my $method_tests = (scalar @{$method_test->{'backup_flags'}} * 2) + 1;
+        skip "postgres was not built with $method support", $method_tests,
+            if (!$method_test->{'enabled'});
+        my $i = 1;
+        my @directories = ();
+        my @files = ();
+        foreach my $backup_flags (@{$method_test->{'backup_flags'}}) {
+            my $description = join(' ', @{$backup_flags});
+            my $directory = sprintf(
+                q[%s/backup_%s_%i],
+                $tempdir,
+                $method,
+                $i,
+            );
+            # Verify pg_basebackup can be executed with the provided options
+            my $backup_stdout = '';
+            my $backup_stderr = '';
+            my $backup_result = $node->run_log(
+                [
+                    @pg_basebackup_defs,
+                    '-D', $directory,
+                    '--format', 't',
+                    @{$backup_flags},
+                ],
+                '>', \$backup_stdout,
+                '2>', \$backup_stderr,
+            );
+            if (!$backup_result
+                    && $method_test->{'possibly_unsupported'}
+                    && $backup_stderr =~ /$method_test->{'possibly_unsupported'}/) {
+                skip "compression with this option not supported by the installed $method version",
+                    (scalar @{$method_test->{'backup_flags'}} - $i) + 1;
+            }
+            else {
+                ok(
+                    $backup_result,
+                    qq[pg_basebackup with $description],
+                );
+                # Verify that the expected files are generated
+                my @found_files = ();
+                foreach my $file (@{$method_test->{'expected_files'}}) {
+                    my $filepath = qq[$directory/$file];
+                    push @found_files, $filepath if -e $filepath;
+                }
+                is(
+                    scalar(@{$method_test->{'expected_files'}}),
+                    scalar(@found_files),
+                    sprintf(
+                        q[%i files created with %s],
+                        scalar(@found_files),
+                        $description,
+                    ),
+                );
+                push @directories, $directory;
+                push @files, @found_files;
+                $i++;
+            }
+        }
+        # Check the integrity of the generated file(s)
+        my $executable = $method_test->{'executable'};
+        skip "$method executable not found '$ENV{LZ4}'", 1
+            if (!defined $executable || $executable eq '');
+        my $validated = system_log($executable, '--test', @files);
+        is($validated, 0, "integrity of compressed data verified");
+        # Remove generated directories
+        foreach my $directory (@directories) {
+            rmtree($directory);
+        }
+    }
 # Test background stream process terminating before the basebackup has
 # finished, the main process should exit gracefully with an error message on
 # stderr. To reduce the risk of timing related issues we invoke the base

base-commit: cb2e7ddfe571e2a158725200a33f728232059c2e

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