Andres asked me off-list if I could take another look at this.

So here's a bit of review:

- The header comment at the top of the file gives some examples of how
the encoding works, and then basically says, oh wait, there's also a
sign bit at the end, so all those examples are actually wrong. It's
really this other thing. Perhaps it's possible to reword things to
avoid that.

- The XXX comment in the file header says "variants" where it probably
means "varints". A later comment mentions "lenght" instead of

- In pg_varint_encode_uint64, where it says "XXX: I'm sure there's a
neater way to do this," I'm not sure exactly what your parameters for
neater are, but you could avoid the conditional if you just did:

bits_of_output_data = bits_of_input_data + bytes_of_input_data;
bytes_of_output_data = (bits_of_output_data + BITS_PER_BYTE - 1) /

I think the comment implies that you thought of that and discarded it
on performance grounds, but I'm not quite sure that I'm right about
that, so I mention it here.

I also thought of another approach that doesn't require computing

bytes_of_output_data = bits_of_input_data / 7 + 1;

The intuition here is that every byte you add to the output gives you
room for 7 additional data bits, because you gain 8 for the new byte
but also have to consume 1 bit from the first byte, for a net gain of
7. This formula gives the wrong answer when bits_of_input_data is 63
or 64, but you don't need to use it for values greater than
PG_VARINT_UINT64_MAX_8BYTE_VAL, so that doesn't matter.

- It's a bit surprising that the length argument to memcpy() is a
constant in the 8-bytes-or-less case. It should be fine, because the
output buffer must be big enough to hold at least 9 more bytes, so all
that can happen is we write unnecessary bytes that the caller can
later overwrite, or not. But it would be worth a comment, I think. In
particular, we should note that you should always have enough
allocated space in the output buffer for the maximum width of 9 bytes
even if you know the number you're actually encoding is small. You do
mention this in the decoding function, but not on the encoding side.

- The FIXME comment for pg_varint_decode_uint64 no verb.

- ret <<= BITS_PER_BYTE * (BITS_PER_BYTE - bytes) is awfully hard to
reason about. My first thought was that it had to be wrong: if we are
shifting left during encoding, how can we also be shifting left during
decoding? Actually I think I see, now, how it works on a little-Endian
machine. Logically, the encoded bytes are the least-significant bytes.
We copy them to the least-significant bytes of "ret," but they're in
the wrong order, with the most significant byte of the encoded
representation in the last significant byte of "ret". By shifting
left, we move all the bytes to the other "end" of "ret", and then the
byte swap puts them back where they were, but now in the right order.
Along the way, the garbage bits we're supposed to be ignoring get
thrown away and replaced with zeroes. But I still don't see how it
works on a big-Endian machine. On such a machine, we copy the encoded
bytes, which are still the least significant bytes of the original
value, to the most significant bytes of "ret". The byte swap isn't
going to do anything here, so in this case it feels like the shift
needs to be in the other direction -- a shift right. But maybe not,
because originally I thought it should be a shift right in both cases,
and now I don't think that's right.

- Re "mask out length indicator bits & separator bit", only the
separator bit actually is being or needs to be masked out.

- I think the overall interface is fine. I think it might be useful to
add a function that returns the length to which something would encode
without actually encoding it, for cases where you want to estimate how
much space you're going to need for something so that you can allocate
space for it, and then only afterwards do the encoding for real.

That's all I've got.

Robert Haas

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