On Thu, Dec 22, 2022 3:17 PM Masahiko Sawada <sawada.m...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >  I think
> > instead of adding new tests with this patch, it may be better to
> > change some of the existing tests related to streaming to use this
> > parameter as that will clearly show one of the purposes of this patch.
> +1. I think test_decoding/sql/stream.sql and spill.sql are good
> candidates and we change logical replication TAP tests in a separate
> patch.


I tried to reduce the data size in test_decoding tests by using the new added
GUC "logical_decoding_mode", and found that the new GUC is not suitable for
some cases.

For example, in the following cases in stream.sql (and there are some similar
cases in twophase_stream.sql), the changes in sub transaction exceed
logical_decoding_work_mem, but they won't be streamed because the it is rolled
back. (But the transaction is marked as streamed.) After the sub transaction,
there is a small amount of inserts, as logical_decoding_work_mem is not
exceeded, it will be streamed when decoding COMMIT. If we use
logical_decoding_mode=immediate, the small amount of inserts in toplevel
transaction will be streamed immediately. This is different from before, so I'm
not sure we can use logical_decoding_mode in this case.

-- streaming test with sub-transaction
savepoint s1;
SELECT 'msg5' FROM pg_logical_emit_message(true, 'test', repeat('a', 50));
INSERT INTO stream_test SELECT repeat('a', 2000) || g.i FROM generate_series(1, 
35) g(i);
TRUNCATE table stream_test;
rollback to s1;
INSERT INTO stream_test SELECT repeat('a', 10) || g.i FROM generate_series(1, 
20) g(i);

Besides, some cases in spill.sql can't use the new GUC because they want to
serialize when processing the specific toplevel transaction or sub transaction.
For example, in the case below, the changes in the subxact exceed
logical_decoding_work_mem and are serialized, and the insert after subxact is
not serialized. If logical_decoding_mode is used, both of them will be
serialized. This is not what we want to test.

-- spilling subxact, non-spilling main xact
INSERT INTO spill_test SELECT 'serialize-subbig-topsmall--1:'||g.i FROM 
generate_series(1, 5000) g(i);
INSERT INTO spill_test SELECT 'serialize-subbig-topsmall--2:'||g.i FROM 
generate_series(5001, 5001) g(i);

Although the rest cases in spill.sql can use new GUC, but it needs set and reset
logical_decoding_mode many times. Besides, the tests in this file were added
before logical_decoding_work_mem was introduced, I am not sure if we can modify
these cases by using the new GUC.

Also, it looks the tests for toast in stream.sql can't be changed, too.

Due to the above reasons, it seems that currently few tests can be modified to
use logical_decoding_mode. If later we find some tests can changed to use
it, we can do it in a separate thread. I will close the CF entry.

Shi yu

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