Thanks for your remarks.

On 07.01.2023 15:27, vignesh C wrote:

Few suggestions:
1) There is a warning:
+# This would crash on the subscriber if not fixed
+$node_publisher->safe_psql('postgres', "INSERT INTO tab1 VALUES (3, 4)");
+my $result = $node_subscriber->wait_for_log(
+       "ERROR:  relation \"error_name\" does not exist at character"

  "my" variable $result masks earlier declaration in same scope at
t/ line 400.

You can change:
my $result = $node_subscriber->safe_psql('postgres', "SELECT * FROM sch1.t1");
$result = $node_subscriber->safe_psql('postgres', "SELECT * FROM sch1.t1");

The reason is that the patch fell behind the master.
Fixed in v4 together with rebasing on current master.

2) Now that the crash is fixed, you could change it to a better message:
+# This would crash on the subscriber if not fixed
+$node_publisher->safe_psql('postgres', "INSERT INTO tab1 VALUES (3, 4)");
+my $result = $node_subscriber->wait_for_log(
+       "ERROR:  relation \"error_name\" does not exist at character"

Tried to make this comment more clear.

Best wishes for the new year!

Anton A. Melnikov
Postgres Professional:
The Russian Postgres Company
commit 16beb574708e0e2e993eb2fa1b093be97b8e53cf
Author: Anton A. Melnikov <>
Date:   Sun Dec 11 06:26:03 2022 +0300

    Add test for syntax error in the function in a a logical replication
        worker. See dea834938.

diff --git a/src/test/subscription/t/ b/src/test/subscription/t/
index 036576acab..b241a7d498 100644
--- a/src/test/subscription/t/
+++ b/src/test/subscription/t/
@@ -69,6 +69,51 @@ $node_publisher->wait_for_catchup('sub1');
 pass('index predicates do not cause crash');
+# The bug was that when a syntax error occurred in a SQL-language or PL/pgSQL-language
+# CREATE FUNCTION or DO command executed in a logical replication worker,
+# we'd suffer a null pointer dereference or assertion failure.
+$node_subscriber->safe_psql('postgres', q{
+	create or replace procedure rebuild_test(
+	) as
+	$body$
+	declare
+		l_code  text:= E'create or replace function public.test_selector(
+	) returns setof public.tab1 as
+	\$body\$
+		select * from  error_name
+	\$body\$ language sql;';
+	begin
+		execute l_code;
+		perform public.test_selector();
+	end
+	$body$ language plpgsql;
+	create or replace function test_trg()
+	returns trigger as
+	$body$
+		declare
+		begin
+			call public.rebuild_test();
+			return NULL;
+		end
+	$body$ language plpgsql;
+	create trigger test_trigger after insert on tab1 for each row
+								execute function test_trg();
+	alter table tab1 enable replica trigger test_trigger;
+# This command will cause a crash on the replica if that bug hasn't been fixed
+$node_publisher->safe_psql('postgres', "INSERT INTO tab1 VALUES (3, 4)");
+my $result = $node_subscriber->wait_for_log(
+	"ERROR:  relation \"error_name\" does not exist at character"
+	"ERROR: Logical decoding doesn't fail on function error");
 # We'll re-use these nodes below, so drop their replication state.
 $node_subscriber->safe_psql('postgres', "DROP SUBSCRIPTION sub1");
 $node_publisher->safe_psql('postgres', "DROP PUBLICATION pub1");
@@ -352,7 +397,7 @@ $node_subscriber->wait_for_subscription_sync($node_publisher, 'tap_sub_sch');
 # Subscriber's sch1.t1 should receive the row inserted into the new sch1.t1,
 # but not the row inserted into the old sch1.t1 post-rename.
-my $result = $node_subscriber->safe_psql('postgres', "SELECT * FROM sch1.t1");
+$result = $node_subscriber->safe_psql('postgres', "SELECT * FROM sch1.t1");
 is( $result, qq(1
 2), 'check data in subscriber sch1.t1 after schema rename');

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