On Sat, 7 Jan 2023 22:29:35 -0600
"Karl O. Pinc" <k...@karlpinc.com> wrote:

> The only way I could think of to review a patch
> that removes something is to report all the places
> I looked where a reference to the symlink might be.

I forgot to report that I also tried a `make install`
and 'make uninstall`, with no problems.

FWIW, I suspect the include/backend/postmaster/ directory
would today be named include/backend/postgres/.   Now
would be the time to change the name, but I don't see
it being worth the work.  And while such a change
wouldn't break pg, that kind of change would break something
for somebody.


Karl <k...@karlpinc.com>
Free Software:  "You don't pay back, you pay forward."
                 -- Robert A. Heinlein

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