Quick ping, just to make sure someone can get a look at this issue :)

Le ven. 6 janv. 2023 à 11:07, Guillaume Lelarge <guilla...@lelarge.info> a
écrit :

> Hello,
> One of our customers has an issue with partitions and foreign keys. He
> works on a v13, but the issue is also present on v15.
> I attach a SQL script showing the issue, and the results on 13.7, 13.9,
> and 15.1. But I'll explain the script here, and its behaviour on 13.9.
> There is one partitioned table, two partitions and a foreign key. The
> foreign key references the same table:
> create table t1 (
>   c1 bigint not null,
>   c1_old bigint null,
>   c2 bigint not null,
>   c2_old bigint null,
>   primary key (c1, c2)
>   )
>   partition by list (c1);
> create table t1_a   partition of t1 for values in (1);
> create table t1_def partition of t1 default;
> alter table t1 add foreign key (c1_old, c2_old) references t1 (c1, c2) on
> delete restrict on update restrict;
> I've a SQL function that shows me some information from pg_constraints
> (code of the function in the SQL script attached). Here is the result of
> this function after creating the table, its partitions, and its foreign key:
> select * from show_constraints();
>         conname         |   t    |  tref  |       coparent
> ------------------------+--------+--------+-----------------------
>  t1_c1_old_c2_old_fkey  | t1     | t1     |
>  t1_c1_old_c2_old_fkey  | t1_a   | t1     | t1_c1_old_c2_old_fkey
>  t1_c1_old_c2_old_fkey  | t1_def | t1     | t1_c1_old_c2_old_fkey
>  t1_c1_old_c2_old_fkey1 | t1     | t1_a   | t1_c1_old_c2_old_fkey
>  t1_c1_old_c2_old_fkey2 | t1     | t1_def | t1_c1_old_c2_old_fkey
> (5 rows)
> The constraint works great :
> insert into t1 values(1, NULL, 2, NULL);
> insert into t1 values(2, 1,    2, 2);
> delete from t1 where c1 = 1;
> psql:ticket15010_v3.sql:34: ERROR:  update or delete on table "t1_a"
> violates foreign key constraint "t1_c1_old_c2_old_fkey1" on table "t1"
> DETAIL:  Key (c1, c2)=(1, 2) is still referenced from table "t1".
> This error is normal since the line I want to delete is referenced on the
> other line.
> If I try to detach the partition, it also gives me an error.
> alter table t1 detach partition t1_a;
> psql:ticket15010_v3.sql:36: ERROR:  removing partition "t1_a" violates
> foreign key constraint "t1_c1_old_c2_old_fkey1"
> DETAIL:  Key (c1_old, c2_old)=(1, 2) is still referenced from table "t1".
> Sounds good to me too (well, I'd like it to be smarter and find that the
> constraint is still good after the detach, but I can understand why it
> won't allow it).
> The pg_constraint didn't change of course:
> select * from show_constraints();
>         conname         |   t    |  tref  |       coparent
> ------------------------+--------+--------+-----------------------
>  t1_c1_old_c2_old_fkey  | t1     | t1     |
>  t1_c1_old_c2_old_fkey  | t1_a   | t1     | t1_c1_old_c2_old_fkey
>  t1_c1_old_c2_old_fkey  | t1_def | t1     | t1_c1_old_c2_old_fkey
>  t1_c1_old_c2_old_fkey1 | t1     | t1_a   | t1_c1_old_c2_old_fkey
>  t1_c1_old_c2_old_fkey2 | t1     | t1_def | t1_c1_old_c2_old_fkey
> (5 rows)
> Now, I'll delete the whole table contents, and I'll detach the partition:
> delete from t1;
> alter table t1 detach partition t1_a;
> It seems to be working, but the content of pg_constraints is weird:
> select * from show_constraints();
>         conname         |   t    |  tref  |       coparent
> ------------------------+--------+--------+-----------------------
>  t1_c1_old_c2_old_fkey  | t1     | t1     |
>  t1_c1_old_c2_old_fkey  | t1_a   | t1     |
>  t1_c1_old_c2_old_fkey  | t1_def | t1     | t1_c1_old_c2_old_fkey
>  t1_c1_old_c2_old_fkey2 | t1     | t1_def | t1_c1_old_c2_old_fkey
> (4 rows)
> I understand why the ('t1_c1_old_c2_old_fkey1', 't1', 't1_a',
> 't1_c1_old_c2_old_fkey') tuple has gone but I don't understand why the
> ('t1_c1_old_c2_old_fkey', 't1_a', 't1', NULL) tuple is still there.
> Anyway, I attach the partition:
> alter table t1 attach partition t1_a for values in (1);
> But pg_constraint has not changed:
> select * from show_constraints();
>         conname         |   t    |  tref  |       coparent
> ------------------------+--------+--------+-----------------------
>  t1_c1_old_c2_old_fkey  | t1     | t1     |
>  t1_c1_old_c2_old_fkey  | t1_a   | t1     | t1_c1_old_c2_old_fkey
>  t1_c1_old_c2_old_fkey  | t1_def | t1     | t1_c1_old_c2_old_fkey
>  t1_c1_old_c2_old_fkey2 | t1     | t1_def | t1_c1_old_c2_old_fkey
> (4 rows)
> I was expecting to see the fifth tuple coming back, but alas, no.
> And as a result, the foreign key doesn't work anymore:
> insert into t1 values(1, NULL, 2, NULL);
> insert into t1 values(2, 1,    2, 2);
> delete from t1 where c1 = 1;
> Well, let's truncate the partitioned table, and drop the partition:
> truncate t1;
> drop table t1_a;
> The content of pg_constraint looks good to me:
> select * from show_constraints();
>         conname         |   t    |  tref  |       coparent
> ------------------------+--------+--------+-----------------------
>  t1_c1_old_c2_old_fkey  | t1     | t1     |
>  t1_c1_old_c2_old_fkey  | t1_def | t1     | t1_c1_old_c2_old_fkey
>  t1_c1_old_c2_old_fkey2 | t1     | t1_def | t1_c1_old_c2_old_fkey
> (3 rows)
> Let's create the partition to see if that works better:
> create table t1_a   partition of t1 for values in (1);
> select * from show_constraints();
>         conname         |   t    |  tref  |       coparent
> ------------------------+--------+--------+-----------------------
>  t1_c1_old_c2_old_fkey  | t1     | t1     |
>  t1_c1_old_c2_old_fkey  | t1_a   | t1     | t1_c1_old_c2_old_fkey
>  t1_c1_old_c2_old_fkey  | t1_def | t1     | t1_c1_old_c2_old_fkey
>  t1_c1_old_c2_old_fkey2 | t1     | t1_def | t1_c1_old_c2_old_fkey
> (4 rows)
> insert into t1 values(1, NULL, 2, NULL);
> INSERT 0 1
> insert into t1 values(2, 1,    2, 2);
> INSERT 0 1
> delete from t1 where c1 = 1;
> Nope. I still miss the fifth tuple in pg_constraint, which results in a
> violated foreign key.
> How about dropping the foreign key to create it once more:
> truncate t1;
> alter table t1 drop constraint t1_c1_old_c2_old_fkey;
> select * from show_constraints();
>  conname | t | tref | coparent
> ---------+---+------+----------
> (0 rows)
> drop table t1_a;
> create table t1_a   partition of t1 for values in (1);
> alter table t1 add foreign key (c1_old, c2_old) references t1 (c1, c2) on
> delete restrict on update restrict;
> select * from show_constraints();
>         conname         |   t    |  tref  |       coparent
> ------------------------+--------+--------+-----------------------
>  t1_c1_old_c2_old_fkey  | t1     | t1     |
>  t1_c1_old_c2_old_fkey  | t1_a   | t1     | t1_c1_old_c2_old_fkey
>  t1_c1_old_c2_old_fkey  | t1_def | t1     | t1_c1_old_c2_old_fkey
>  t1_c1_old_c2_old_fkey1 | t1     | t1_a   | t1_c1_old_c2_old_fkey
>  t1_c1_old_c2_old_fkey2 | t1     | t1_def | t1_c1_old_c2_old_fkey
> (5 rows)
> I have my fifth row back! And now, the foreign key works as it should:
> insert into t1 values(1, NULL, 2, NULL);
> insert into t1 values(2, 1,    2, 2);
> delete from t1 where c1 = 1;
> psql:ticket15010_v3.sql:87: ERROR:  update or delete on table "t1_a"
> violates foreign key constraint "t1_c1_old_c2_old_fkey1" on table "t1"
> DETAIL:  Key (c1, c2)=(1, 2) is still referenced from table "t1".
> This is what happens on 13.9 and 15.1. 13.7 shows another weird behaviour,
> but I guess I'll stop there. Everything is in the attached files.
> I'd love to know if I did something wrong, if I didn't understand
> something, or if this is simply a bug.
> Thanks.
> Regards.
> --
> Guillaume.


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