
On 2023-01-19 17:16:20 -0800, Jeff Davis wrote:
> The predefined role is probably the biggest user-facing part of the
> change. Does it mean that members can create any number of any kind of
> subscription?

I don't think we need to support complicated restriction schemes around this
now. I'm sure such needs exist, but I think there's more places where a simple
"allowed/not allowed" suffices.

You'd presumably just grant such a permission to "pseudo superuser"
users. They can typically do a lot of bad things already, so I don't really
see the common need to prevent them from creating many subscriptions.

> If so it may be hard to tighten down later, because we don't know what
> existing setups might break.

Presumably the unlimited number of subs case would still exist as an option
later - so I don't see the problem?

> Perhaps we can just permit a superuser to "ALTER SUBSCRIPTION ... OWNER
> TO <non-super>", which makes it simpler to use while still leaving the
> responisbility with the superuser to get it right. Maybe we even block
> the user from altering their own subscription (would be weird but not
> much weirder than what we have now)? I don't know if that solves the
> problem you're trying to solve, but it seems lower-risk.

That seems to not really get us very far. It's hard to use for users, and hard
to make secure for the hosted PG providers.


Andres Freund

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