On Wed, Jan 25, 2023 at 7:47 AM Israel Barth Rubio
<barthisr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I imagine more people might have already hit a similar situation too. While 
> the
> workaround can seem a bit weird, in my very humble opinion the user/client is
> somehow still the one to blame in this case as it is providing the "wrong" 
> file in
> a path that is checked by libpq. With that in mind I would be inclined to say 
> it is
> an acceptable workaround.

I'm not sure how helpful it is to assign "blame" here. I think the
requested improvement is reasonable -- it should be possible to
override the default for a particular connection, without having to
pick a junk value that you hope doesn't match up with an actual file
on the disk.

> Although both patches achieve a similar goal regarding not sending the
> client certificate there is still a slight but in my opinion important 
> difference
> between them: sslmode=disable will also disable channel encryption. It
> may or may not be acceptable depending on how the connection is between
> your client and the server.

sslmode=disable isn't used in either of our proposals, though. Unless
I'm missing what you mean?


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