
I was looking at bug mentioned at https://www.postgresql.org/message-id/flat/201010112055.o9BKtZf7011251%40wwwmaster.postgresql.org

Issue appears to be in gbt_inet_compress which doesn't store inet details like ip_family and netmask details in inetKEY and

gbt_inet_consistent which doesn't have enough info (as gbt_inet_compress didn't store them) and

uses vague convert_network_to_scalar for performing operations.

Looking at reference implementation for inet in src/backend/utils/adt/network_gist.c, if we add missing inet data

(as seen in GistInetKey) into inetKEY and refactor gbt_inet_consistent to use network functions instead of using convert_network_to_scalar, mentioned bugs might be alleviated.

I just to know if this is right direction to approach this problem?



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