
On 2/14/23 12:11, David Geier wrote:

I think I fixed the compilation errors. It was due to a few variables being declared under

#if defined(__x86_64__) && defined(__linux__)

while being used also under non x86 Linux.

I also removed again the code to obtain the TSC frequency under hypervisors because the TSC is usually emulated and therefore no faster than clock_gettime() anyways. So we now simply fallback to clock_gettime() on hypervisors when we cannot obtain the frequency via leaf 0x16.

Beyond that I reviewed the first two patches a while ago in [1]. I hope we can progress with them to further reduce the size of this patch set.

[1] https://www.postgresql.org/message-id/3ac157f7-085d-e071-45fc-b87cd306360c%40gmail.com

It still fails.

I'll get Cirrus-CI working on my own Github fork so I can make sure it really compiles on all platforms before I submit a new version.

David Geier

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