On Wed, Feb 22, 2023 at 10:37:35AM +0100, Daniel Gustafsson wrote:
>> On 18 Feb 2023, at 06:46, Nathan Bossart <nathandboss...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> The last 4 are for supported versions and, from a very
>> quick glance, seem possible to consolidate.  That would bring us to a total
>> of 11 separate loops that we could consolidate into one.  However, the data
>> type checks seem to follow a nice pattern, so perhaps this is easier said
>> than done.
> There is that, refactoring the data type checks leads to removal of duplicated
> code and a slight performance improvement.  Refactoring the other checks to
> reduce overhead would be an interesting thing to look at, but this point in 
> the
> v16 cycle might not be ideal for that.

Makes sense.

>> I wonder if it'd be better to perform all of the data type
>> checks in all databases before failing so that all of the violations are
>> reported.  Else, users would have to run pg_upgrade, fix a violation, run
>> pg_upgrade again, fix another one, etc.
> I think that's better, and have changed the patch to do it that way.

Thanks.  This seems to work as intended.  One thing I noticed is that the
"failed check" log is only printed once, even if multiple data type checks
failed.  I believe this is because this message uses PG_STATUS.  If I
change it to PG_REPORT, all of the "failed check" messages appear.  TBH I'm
not sure we need this message at all since a more detailed explanation will
be printed afterwards.  If we do keep it around, I think it should be
indented so that it looks more like this:

        Checking for data type usage                                checking 
all databases                                      
            failed check: incompatible aclitem data type in user tables
            failed check: reg* data types in user tables

> One change this brings is that check.c contains version specific checks in the
> struct.  Previously these were mostly contained in version.c (some, like the
> 9.4 jsonb check was in check.c) which maintained some level of separation.
> Splitting the array init is of course one option but it also seems a tad 
> messy.
> Not sure what's best, but for now I've documented it in the array comment at
> least.

Hm.  We could move check_for_aclitem_data_type_usage() and
check_for_jsonb_9_4_usage() to version.c since those are only used for
determining whether the check applies now.  Otherwise, IMO things are in
roughly the right place.  I don't think it's necessary to split the array.

Nathan Bossart
Amazon Web Services: https://aws.amazon.com

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