
On Thu, 23 Feb 2023 at 17:44, Matthias van de Meent
<boekewurm+postg...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I'll see to further reviewing 0004 and 0005 when I have additional time.

Some initial comments on 0004:

> +/*
> + * brin_minmax_ranges
> + *        Load the BRIN ranges and sort them.
> + */
> +Datum
> +brin_minmax_ranges(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
> +{

Like in 0001, this seems to focus on only single columns. Can't we put
the scan and sort infrastructure in brin, and put the weight- and
compare-operators in the opclasses? I.e.
brin_minmax_minorder(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS=brintuple) -> range.min and
brin_minmax_maxorder(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS=brintuple) -> range.max, and a
brin_minmax_compare(order, order) -> int? I'm thinking of something
similar to GIST's distance operators, which would make implementing
ordering by e.g. `pointcolumn <-> (1, 2)::point` implementable in the
brin infrastructure.

Note: One big reason I don't really like the current
brin_minmax_ranges (and the analyze code in 0001) is because it breaks
the operatorclass-vs-index abstraction layer. Operator classes don't
(shouldn't) know or care about which attribute number they have, nor
what the index does with the data.
Scanning the index is not something that I expect the operator class
to do, I expect that the index code organizes the scan, and forwards
the data to the relevant operator classes.
Scanning the index N times for N attributes can be excused if there
are good reasons, but I'd rather have that decision made in the
index's core code rather than at the design level.

> +/*
> + * XXX Does it make sense (is it possible) to have a sort by more than one
> + * column, using a BRIN index?
> + */

Yes, even if only one prefix column is included in the BRIN index
(e.g. `company` in `ORDER BY company, date`, the tuplesort with table
tuples can add additional sorting without first reading the whole
table, potentially (likely) reducing the total resource usage of the
query. That utilizes the same idea as incremental sorts, but with the
caveat that the input sort order is approximately likely but not at
all guaranteed. So, even if the range sort is on a single index
column, we can still do the table's tuplesort on all ORDER BY
attributes, as long as a prefix of ORDER BY columns are included in
the BRIN index.

> +            /*
> +             * XXX We can be a bit smarter for LIMIT queries - once we
> +             * know we have more rows in the tuplesort than we need to
> +             * output, we can stop spilling - those rows are not going
> +             * to be needed. We can discard the tuplesort (no need to
> +             * respill) and stop spilling.
> +             */

Shouldn't that be "discard the tuplestore"?

> +#define BRIN_PROCNUM_RANGES         12    /* optional */

It would be useful to add documentation for this in this patch.

Kind regards,

Matthias van de Meent.

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