On 01.03.23 17:13, Kirk Wolak wrote:
Thanks, corrected, and confirmed Unix line endings.
FWIW, the simplest way to test it is with this command (I usually get it wrong on the first guess)

\set PROMPT1 %T ' ' :PROMPT1


Nice. The patch applies clean and the cfbots seem much happier now - all passed.

17:23:19 postgres=# SELECT now();
 2023-03-01 17:23:19.807339+01
(1 row)

The docs render also just fine. I'm now wondering if HH24:MI:SS should be formatted with, e.g. using <literal>

"The current time on the client in <literal>HH24:MI:SS</literal> format."

But that I'll leave to the docs experts to judge :)

Best, Jim

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