On 05.03.23 22:00, Thomas Munro wrote:
The CI run for that failed in an interesting way, only on Debian +
Meson, 32 bit.  The diffs appear to show that psql has a different
opinion of the column width, while building its header (the "------"
you get at the top of psql's output), even though the actual column
contents was the same.  regression.diff[2] shows that there is a "£1"
in the output, which is how UTF-8 "£1" looks if you view it with
Latin1 glasses on.  Clearly this patch involves transcoding, Latin1
and UTF-8
One of the use cases of this patch is exactly the transcoding of a non utf-8 document to utf-8 - as described in the XML canonical spec.
and I haven't studied it, but it's pretty weird for the 32
bit build to give a different result...
Yeah, it's pretty weird indeed. I'll try to reproduce this environment in a container to see if I get the same diff. Although I'm not sure that by "fixing" the result set for this environment it won't break all the others.
could be something to do with
our environment, since .cirrus.yml sets LANG=C in the 32 bit test run
-- maybe try that locally?
Also using LANGUAGE=C the result is the same for me - all tests pass just fine.
That run also generated a core dump, but I think that's just our open
SIGQUIT problem[3] and not relevant here.

[1] https://cirrus-ci.com/build/6319462375227392

Thanks for the quick reply. Much appreciated!

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