Is this feedback enough to focus the work on the right things?

I feel like Marina Polyakova pointed out some real confusing behaviour
and perhaps there's a way to solve them by focusing on one at a time
without making large changes in the code.

Perhaps an idea would be to have each module provide two functions, one
which is called early and signals an error if that module's parameters
are provided when it's not compiled in, and a second which verifies
that the parameters are consistent at the point in time where that's
appropriate. (Not entirely unlike what we do for GUCs, though simpler)

If every module did that consistently then it would avoid making the
changes "unprincipled" or "spaghetti" though frankly I find words like
that not very helpful to someone receiving that feedback.

The patch is obviously not ready for commit now but it also seems like
the feedback has not been really sufficient for Marina Polyakova to
make progress either.

Gregory Stark
As Commitfest Manager

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